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Sign Petition to Stop SB 1070!!

( ^_^ )

After you read this petition, make sure you fill it out when you got the chance by going to the link below to submit it :cool:

And let your homies and familia know about it so they can also fill it out tambien :)


Submitted by Sound_Strike on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 19:01

Our Petition:

We are calling for fans of music the world over, who recognize that this is one of the most important struggles for civil and human rights of our generation, to stand with us and refuse to lend their economic support to the state of Arizona until this unjust law is revoked.

We can also put some much needed pressure upon the Obama Administration to use his executive branch authority to prevent the implementation of this unjust law:

Mr. President, please take action!

We are asking you to do everything within your power to protect civil rights in Arizona. Throughout our nation's history, there have been times when the federal government has had to take swift action to stop states from shredding bedrock Constitutional protections and to ensure the safety of targeted minorities.

Arizona's new law is an assault on the US Constitution and and an affront to the civil rights that were earned by generations who came before us. When states disregard the Constitution, when they sanction mistreatment of communities, it is the imperative of the Executive Branch to take the lead in defending the U.S. Constitution.

While we wait for Congress to act, we implore you take necessary and appropriate action to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Arizona do not continue to suffer.

(Emails will not be made public on the petition - privacy policy)
Nuestra Petici?n:

Esto es un llamado a nuestros fans por todo el mundo, cual reconocen que esta es una de las mas importantes luchas por los derechos civiles y humanos en nuestra generaci?n, que se unan con nosotros y que se rechazan a dar su apoyo economico al estado de Arizona hasta que esta ley sea revocada.

Tambien podemos presionar a la Administraci?n Obama que utilice su autoridad Ejecutiva para prevenir la implementaci?n de esta ley injusta:

?Sr. Presidente, por favor toma acci?n!

Te pedimos que utilices todo tu poder para proteger los derechos civiles en Arizona. A lo largo de la historia de esta naci?n, ha habido momentos donde el el gobierno federal ha tomado acciones rapidas en poner un alto a estados que han querido eliminar protecciones constitucionales y garantizar la seguridad de minorias discriminadas.

La nueva ley de Arizona es un attaque a la Constituci?n de los Estados Unidos y un insulto a generaciones pasadas que lucharon para obtener los derechos civilies. Caundo los estados ignoran la Constituci?n, cuando autorizan el maltrato de comunidades, es el imperativo del Poder Ejecutivo a tomar la iniciativa en la defensa de la Constituci?n de EE.UU.

Te imploramos que tomes la acci?n necesaria y adecuada para asegurar que los derechos constitucionales sean respetados y garantizados de nuestras hermanas y hermanos en el estado de Arizona.


If you're getting your numbers from Fox News or Limbaugh then that helps to explain why you are mistaken because according to this facebook page, there over 1.5 million people who are against SB 1070:


And how many people are in this country ? I am a member of a anti-immigrant organization . I my self have called and sent thousands of emails,faxes and phone calls to the white house switch boards .See I hit them where it hurts .
And how many people are in this country ? I am a member of a anti-immigrant organization . I my self have called and sent thousands of emails,faxes and phone calls to the white house switch boards .See I hit them where it hurts .

nice...which organization?

slalomski1@gmail.com if you want to keep it on the QT......

oh yeahh!!! go ahead and put your lil wiener in his mouth already, see hes asking for it!!

pair of faggies!
Hey gang thanks for signing the petition!

Here's Brother Zack de La Rocha urging you to go to www.AltoArizona.com to get more information about SB 1070 and to urge
Arizona leaders to stop SB 1070 by filling out the petition that's at that site :)


[YOUTUBE]<object width="660" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fVOZGAbEARM&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fVOZGAbEARM&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="405"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
bunch of faggies wih their anti-immigration meetings and shit!
go to work.... yeah right the illegals stole them right?? fucking excuses!
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