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The day I lost you

Lil Poet

Feb 21, 2007
Best answers
Corey Anne.............

For so long I felt so strong,
it hurts to go on with you gone.
I remember seeing my reflction in your eyez,
and the next cold morning to my surprise,
I was confronted by the copz,
a plot by your racist popz,
cuz he thought that he could stop,
us from being 2gether,
but he can't, not ever,
4 worst or 4 better.
As i stood before the judge you were on my mind,
the whole entire time,
I couldn't help but grind my teeth into my cheek,
I felt my knees get week,
as the judge passed his conviction,
from that i've been missin', reminissin bout' us kissin.
My world came down, even had to leave my own hometown.
I took the blame upon myself, felt my heart melt
cuz i knew i loved you more than life itself............:cool:
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