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Wake up you have been colonized!!!


Legendary Poster
Attendant to the definition of colonization are the following conditions: 1.The land of one people is invaded by people from another country,who later use military force to gain and maintain control. 2.The original inhabitants become subjects of the conquerors involuntarily. 3.The conquered have an alien culture and government imposed upon them. 4.The conquered become the victims of racism and cultural Genocide and are relegated to submerged status. 5.The conquered are rendered politically and economically powerless. 6.The conquerors feel they have a "mission" in occupying the area in question and believe that they have undeniable privileges by virtue of their conquest.
WRONG!!!!......"your people" also known as my people are not powerless when it comes to political and economical power, we have representatives who are working on our behalf.
I have asked and asked.... so what is it that you do for change? Spouting off vendido means jack squat. What different things do you do not to associate with the American culture... seems you have a computer.. I bet a pair of nikes and some popular clothes brands... or are you a sell out to China. Korea. Do you make your own clothes? Live out off the Grid... Tell me so I can see how much credit you deserve on your sellout labeling.

Go live in Chiapas...or Tikal...Peten or any other Mayan area...do you follow the EZLN?

All you can bring to the topic is cheap shots.. Tell us what is it that you do?
Americano you are to concern on what others do. concern yourself with your own actions, because you sound like a snitch, and i would be a fool to even mention any of what i do or not do, and pichinilli you should not answer this fool; he sound like a pig to me.
Thanks Tepec.. This says alot for you character.

Hope everyone see how shallow and childish your arguments are.

Viva la Raza.. Right..

I see you aren't a leader and if you continue to spew hate and malcontent you will never get anywhere but blame game.
hate! is that all you got? man you are one of those people that likes to look dwn on people. i am just not up for your game that is it, and childish i might be and damn proud of it, because i know i do not have the answers, and i know i have much more to learn, but i am not here asking people to prove themselves as you are. so do not come here trying to make yourself the victim, because you do sound like a snitch, and mostelikey you are. see how you keep refering to your audience, so concern of what others think. get your head off your ass!!!!! you can judge my character, and that is fine, because honestly i can careless. you are not one bit of my concern Malinches are not of my people, so keep going please!!!
as coherent as any 3rd grader..congrats.

6 derogatory remarks.. in your post.. all with nothing really to say. I thought this was a forum of open ideas and debate.. I think you should learn the rules of arguments so that you can state a view ...back up with facts and advance the discussion. leave out the labels and sterotypes unless you are asking a question.
ok i am going to go eat my lunch! talk to you laterz!
hey americano eat a fat dick hahah there is the childish out of me. i can be both childish and mature. i bet you cannot do that you are to stick up!!!
lol... High school teacher...lol... should have known.. kids... well I hope you grow up...

you two Tepec and Pichin are classic..

words to live by for these two

Never argue with a moron. They will bring you down to their level and beat your ass with their experience.

this full is from texas; i bet he is a bush fanatic!!!

So because he's from Texas he's a Bush fanatic? Bull! Talk about a regular steriotypical person with such a close minded personality who sees nothing but HIS ANCESTRY. But then again people hate because everything is BIGGER and BETTER in TEXAS....lol...later dudes....don't hate because his views are different from yours guy. Everybody thinks differently, God made everyone unique.
What have you done to contribute to the betterment of your community?

Seems like a fair enough question to me.

The thing I'm most proud of is my involvement with youth sports- I coach.
I mentor student and help mexicanos mostly with complaints of landlords that mistreat..overprice...dont comply to codes.. any problems they may have because lack of communication and knowledge in this field.
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