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what do ya do?

I havent fallen for no one but i see a good canidate but i get turned down the fliets are only 104 dollars for a round trip witch ant no thang but i do see some of the trates i'd like in a classy girl i also see butie and a sense of looking out for a fool, i would love to meet that person but i dont think it will ever happen i do see beyond this portal or square or what every you call it i would love to meet that person to see the real thing to hear a laugh a smile or a you crazzy out of that person i dont know but i think it is funny how this forum or how i got hooked on this shit i got on the computer i bout for someone i punched in brown pride and other chat room because i was bored i talked shit to get a kick out of it but i did see some intresting people and i was hooked i seen some prity crazzy points of views and i felt conected to this brown thing so far away from my roots that i almost forgot who i was but i did see that person even thow my relation ship was almost at an end i held on for as long as i could but yet i was fasinated my this person and her ways and her smile but what the fuck am i talking about i dont even know this person i nevor met this person but my mind think of this person lol i must be a fool this is a square infront of me that i am talkin to man this beer realy dose a number on me the shit i say when i am tipsy good night.
how funny, that hinakin got my ass but this shit is for real, LOL [wavey]
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