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What would u do?

It's hard to avoid sometimes, but its true- nothing good comes from fighting.
Basically to be honest with you- you have to get an attorney. People with good attorneys don't get in trouble.
yeah that's exactly what we're trying to do. I heard that maybe
the case could be dropped since i could have had a concussion
and they didn't medically check me when i was taken to jail.

fucked up they told my momma i didnt want to see her when i was in there :(
Well you know these things usually have a way of working themselves out in the end- but they sure put a lot of stress on you. I had something crazy go down a few years ago, made me change the places I hung out at and the friends I was with.
yeah, those girls were ex friends too 0.o
their family's crazy, the dad's a child molestor,
the mom would get beat, the girl i was koo with
would let herself get molested....they had
domestic violence issues and shit......the two
sisters have a record from when they were in
high school of jumping a girl .....can't all that help me in court?

i already got the papers from the day i went to the hospital fack i am stressing it
with money, my bail was 50,000, so was my best friends. her boyfriend
and my ex got 30,000 bail
I'm sorry to hear that.
The best thing is to worry about yourself and talk to a lawyer- what happens is people in trouble go around asking the UPS guy, taxi drivers, the mailman, their friends about legal matters- and all those people don't know sh*t about the law, but they act like they do and say stuff that is wrong.

It's like so many people on this thread saying... I would do this and I would do that- blah blah blah.
If you are going to places where you need to bring protection- well then you are hanging out at the wrong places.
When you are 18+ fighting just ends up costing you A LOT of money.
true true....good thing is i got a bunch of those papers in the mail!
thanks for thee advice.....

i am a firm believer in karma and like u said in time i'm just
gonna see what happens
thanks...i'll see what happens in the mean time til the 6th!
fuck i'm gonna be 20 already...chales im fuckin up lol
i needa go back to school and start saving up from 0 again
yup good thing i got evidence.
and alot of lovely people helping me to raise
money for everyone's bail.

Those hoes don't have shit !
so much for them talkin shit about
cop callers and idk what, when one
of the sisters was runni around like
a headless chicken tellin everyone to call the cops
yup good thing i got evidence.
and alot of lovely people helping me to raise
money for everyone's bail.

Those hoes don't have shit !
so much for them talkin shit about
cop callers and idk what, when one
of the sisters was runni around like
a headless chicken tellin everyone to call the cops

yup yup....thats why before every fight tell them to hit you first(if it's 1-1) or to stfu and gtfo. if your getting jumped...then it is self defense and i would think you have a very good chance of proving that...no matter the NON LIFE THREATENING injuries the others sustained.
^^that's pretty much what she was doing. but
eww spitting on someone!? that's some low foul shit.
what if that bitch had some dirty disease and that
shit got in my eye and mouth ew ewwwww
Talk to a doctor and tell the doc that some brawd spit in your face and have him give you a medical exam and tell your lawyer to make sure this girl and her parents pay for the medical bill of your exam
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