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Where are guayabera's from?


I owe my earliest memory of the guayabera to my paternal grandfather who wore them during many a humid South Texas day that he complimented with a pair of linen trousers and the customary cowboy boots.​

Older Puerto Ricans refer to them as j?baros, stateside they are sometimes referred to as the "Mexican wedding shirt," whereas throughout Latin America there known as the guayabera, and finally as the barong tagalog in the Philippines, their birthplace.

Of course, any good Cuban would seriously beg to differ. Nevertheless, the barong tagalog originated in Philippines shortly after the arrival of the Spanish. Within the Spanish colonial caste system, the barong tagalog was a symbol of Filipino servitude based upon practical Spanish fears. Concerning attire, Filipino subjects were required to wear transparent and untucked shirts, less they attempt to conceal a weapon or attempt to dress in the manner of the overseers.

The barong tagalog eventually traveled east on Spanish galleons where they were slightly modified and honed into shirts with four pockets in the Yucatan and Caribbean. Since then they have been worn by the likes of Hemingway, many a tropical debonair, countless musicians and farmers alike as well as with Cuban and Filipino diplomats.

The long history of this shirt survives in the vision and designs of Mart?nez Montiel, provided in large assortment cuts and colors. This guayabera shirts can be found on fridayshirts website. White is the traditional and elegant choice of both novice and aficionado. However, if you want to peacock a little and flaunt opt for one of the brighter colors, such as yellow. The beauty of the guayabera lies within its versatility. It can be worn with either trousers or jeans and whatever your choice of footwear may be. Not to mention its natural compatibility with a straw fedora. Dress accordingly.

-C.T. Mexica

I owe my earliest memory of the guayabera to my paternal grandfather who wore them during many a humid South Texas day that he complimented with a pair of linen trousers and the customary cowboy boots.​

LMAO...yes sir thats TX 4 u...:D...
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