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why this cracka hates mexicans

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Shit money and shit jobs is a start. At the turn of the last century, Irish and Italian Immigrants were called harsh names and worked shit jobs for shit money too. Now look what they have become. Very distinguished members of our society who hold public office and seats at the bench. Is that what you fear from us? Maybe your grand kids will have to be judged or governed by a Chicano. If history repeats itself, which it usually does, I'd say that we are well on our way to being important people here in America.

Your "US" (which seems to have changed again from earlier- once again at your convenience) is costing the taxpayers about 10 billion plus per year. That's what I fear about your once again changed "US".
What do you mean about I change my opinion about the US. Lets be clear. I am an American. My roots run deep on this continent and I love this country. Do I like the government? Fuck no. It's corrupt, wasteful and quickly turning this country into a police state. Now, I'm sure you are gonna say," if you don't like it here, go back to Mexico".
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