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The Hypocrisy of Those Born of Immigrant Parents

many individuals from immigrant families support harsh anti-immigrant measures as a way to protect what they perceive as their own interests.

The Hypocrisy of Those Born of Immigrant Parents

It’s a tale as old as time – the child of immigrants who, once they have established themselves in a new country, turn their backs on those seeking the same opportunities. Vivek Ramaswamy, born in Cincinnati to Indian immigrant parents, is just one example of this phenomenon. Despite benefiting from the sacrifices and hard work of his own immigrant family, Ramaswamy has become an outspoken advocate for massive deportations of immigrants. This hypocrisy is not unique to him; many individuals from immigrant families share this sentiment. But why do some people exhibit such a stark change in perspective once they themselves have achieved success in a new land?

One possible explanation for this phenomenon is a desire to distance oneself from the stigma often associated with being an immigrant. For some individuals, assimilating into mainstream society means adopting anti-immigrant views in order to prove their loyalty to their new homeland. By aligning themselves with those who oppose immigration, they may believe that they are distancing themselves from the stereotypes and prejudices that are often directed towards immigrants.

Additionally, there may be a sense of elitism that develops among some individuals who come from immigrant families. After achieving success and status in their adopted country, they may begin to view themselves as superior to other immigrants who are still struggling to make ends meet. This sense of superiority can lead them to support policies that restrict or limit further immigration, believing that only those who have already “made it” should be allowed entry.

A perfect example of that Hypocrisy is Vivek Ramaswamy