The Marginalization of Mexicans Through LatinX

The Marginalization of Mexicans Through LatinX

The term Latinx has become increasingly popular within the woke circles, but what many don’t realize is that by using this term, we are in fact only serving to further marginalize the Mexican community. It is important for us to understand why this is the case and how it can be reversed.

The issue with using the term Latinx is that it gives people a false sense of inclusion when in reality, it is only furthering the idea that all Latino cultures should be lumped together into one homogenous group. Almost without exception when politicians are looking for a “Latino” to fill a certain role or position, they have disproportionately chosen someone who is not Mexican, and turn around and say they have already “included” an individual from a Latino background. This can be seen in American politics, where virtually all high-profile posts have been given to a white Cuban Latino or Black Latino individuals rather than one of Mexican heritage. This means that Mexicans are consistently overlooked for these positions despite being one of the largest group of the Hispanic/Latino populations in the US.

Furthermore, this usage of Latinx serves to erase the unique culture and identity of Mexicans. By lumping everyone together under one umbrella term, we are taking away the opportunity for Mexicans to celebrate their own distinct culture and heritage. We need to stop treating Latinos as if they are interchangeable and instead recognize them as individuals with their own unique histories and cultures.

In conclusion, using the term Latinx does more harm than good because it serves only to marginalize and erase Mexican individuals and culture. If we truly want to foster an inclusive society, then we must start by recognizing each individual Latino culture for its own merits—not just lumping everyone together under one umbrella term. Only then will we create an environment where everyone feels respected and included no matter their background or ethnicity.  Only then can real inclusion take place.  Only then will real progress occur.  Only then will true solidarity prevail among us all!

The largest minority – Why Mexicans that use the term LatinX or Latino end up marginalized | Mexican Forums | Best Place To Meet Mexican & Mexican Americans

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