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The Unfair Bias Against Mexican Migrants By Biden at the U.S. Border

It is imperative that we advocate for fair treatment and equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their nationality.

The Unfair Bias Against Mexican Migrants By Biden at the U.S. Border

The current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border has left many Mexican migrants feeling frustrated and marginalized. With the suspension of asylum processing under President Joe Biden’s executive order, there has been a sharp increase in deportations of Mexican nationals while migrants from other countries are being allowed to remain in the United States pending their court hearings.

The emotional toll on Mexican migrants cannot be understated. Being separated from their families and sent back to dangerous conditions in Mexico only adds to their trauma. The sense of hopelessness and despair among deportees is palpable, as they face an uncertain future without any support or resources to fall back on.

It is crucial for policymakers and advocacy groups to address the systemic issues that contribute to the unfair treatment of Mexican migrants at the U.S. border. Ensuring equal access to due process and protection for all individuals seeking asylum is essential in upholding human rights and dignity.

2 responses to “The Unfair Bias Against Mexican Migrants By Biden at the U.S. Border”

  1. The question people need to ask is why it is? Does the U.S. want to balance out the immigration from Mexico because they fear they may one day become a strong voting block?

    1. Chabo

      They’ll also send those immigrants into the majority Mexican communities in the U.S. They did the same thing during Katrina, in which the Government brought in a lot of Blacks from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama into Mexican communities in Texas, that has created chaos in those communities.They don’t want to see an American city having a majority minority Mexican population.