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Do you think all Mexicans have the right to come live

We live in the western world, where progress and wealth are based on walls, and being able to maintain those walls. Sharing too much or too little does not agree with the economy, it is the Us's ability to use these nations that has kept them so powerful for so many years. Trade prices on natural resources are hugely unfair, and are meant to keep latin america down.

People are free to buy and sell at whatever price they want. You have no right to tell another person or busniess how to run their busniess. If you don't like how someone is running their busnies fine, you don't have to work for them or buy their stuff. Sorry but their busniess is non of your busniess.

So, when asking me do they have the right to live in this country, my answer must be yes, because it is because of this country that the conditions in their country are so poor.

Another it's all the US fault post.

Its funny, its the US fault that cuba is poor all because we don't do busniess with them.

Its the US fault that south America is poor because of the way we do busniess with them.

Sorry but great things like America are not built at the expensive of the weak and by the hands of slaves. Nor was it built by human blood and sacrifice as many here think.

It was built by great minds with their own self interest and profit as their ultimate goal. they did not starve the people and force them to work as slaves. They produce companies which gave people jobs, cheap products and services to buy and money to make a living and have food at the table. Sadly, this great people who's work moves the world forward are also the same people you probably curse at.

You won't find many corporations and companies in countries that are in South America, Africa and the Middle East and other poor places as you will in America.

A lot of people in this poor places are poor because they trade with human blood and don't make money but instead many of them Take money from each other. They are not poor because America does busniess with them.... So yes a lot of people in this places take money from each other by means of begging, looting, borrowing, stealing, extortion, and corruption. If you don't believe me then visit this places. A society that does this a lot is a doomed society and thats where the US is heading into.

Sorry, but the US has a positive influence in the world.
they come to find a better life...is that so wrong? they r takin tha jobs other ppl don't want so jus let them be...they r tryin to live a better life that's all....

The banker rodder too is looking for a better life when he steals money.

Not all of them come here just to work. many of them come here and commit crimes. Who do you think carries drug across the border?

Why can't they make a better life in their own country? If that isn't possible shouldn't they instead try and change their own country?

You don't fix the poor by spreading them around the world. You fix them by fixing the problem where they are at.
i dont think that all mexicans should be able to come i mean the ones that are tryin to make a better life should be able to come becuz they come over here n actually work unlike these lazy ass americans that are here in the us living and not appreciatin wat they have n the opportunitys that they have im against sending mexicans bak to mexico
i dont think that all mexicans should be able to come i mean the ones that are tryin to make a better life should be able to come becuz they come over here n actually work unlike these lazy ass americans that are here in the us living and not appreciatin wat they have n the opportunitys that they have im against sending mexicans bak to mexico

You are hugely mistaken and misinformed, not to mention you completely misunderstood my message. Trade prices do not mean prices on small goods, I am not discussing this on a Microeconomical level. The prices The US is buying and has boughten natural resources from Latino America, ie. sugar cane, natural oil, etc.. HAS ALWAYS BEEN UNFAIR, CHECK THE NUMBERS IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME.
The blame is on the US for implementing puppet governments in many of these nations, and supporting corupt administrations in Mexico, the Carribean, central and most of south America.
If The Prices Were Fair, Millions Of Immigrants Wouldhave Work, Money, And The Resources To Live A Comfortable Lifestyle In Their Own Country.
Those Countries Have Enough Resources To Be Successful, Mexico Alone Is Full Of Exportable Goods, But For Some Reason,

there Still Broke.
I say that the UNITED STATES secures it's borders... land and sea. We lock everything down. If you are a citizen you stay, if you are not- then you get booted out.
If we need some workers we will recruit them from a foreign country, let them work and pay them- then send them back to where they came from when their work is done.
People are free to buy and sell at whatever price they want. You have no right to tell another person or busniess how to run their busniess. If you don't like how someone is running their busnies fine, you don't have to work for them or buy their stuff. Sorry but their busniess is non of your busniess.

Another it's all the US fault post.

Its funny, its the US fault that cuba is poor all because we don't do busniess with them.

Its the US fault that south America is poor because of the way we do busniess with them.

Sorry but great things like America are not built at the expensive of the weak and by the hands of slaves. Nor was it built by human blood and sacrifice as many here think.

It was built by great minds with their own self interest and profit as their ultimate goal. they did not starve the people and force them to work as slaves. They produce companies which gave people jobs, cheap products and services to buy and money to make a living and have food at the table. Sadly, this great people who's work moves the world forward are also the same people you probably curse at.

You won't find many corporations and companies in countries that are in South America, Africa and the Middle East and other poor places as you will in America.

A lot of people in this poor places are poor because they trade with human blood and don't make money but instead many of them Take money from each other. They are not poor because America does busniess with them.... So yes a lot of people in this places take money from each other by means of begging, looting, borrowing, stealing, extortion, and corruption. If you don't believe me then visit this places. A society that does this a lot is a doomed society and thats where the US is heading into.

Sorry, but the US has a positive influence in the world.


did you miss history class in high school? YES the US did have slaves and did force people to be slaves....why it was not until the 13th amendment was enacted in 1860 that people stopped officially being slaves...but unnofficially slavery still exists in America...

and there are historians who have actually reasearched this that say that some of the richness that exists today in the US was a direct result of the slavery that existed in the US.

US companies are in South America and in Latin America...why do you think that many of the clothes you buy often say Made in Mexico...made in Guatemala? And now the US has expanded to China and to Indonasia....in fact if you look at the tag in your clothes right now it probably will not say made in the USA....

As far as the US being responsible for some of what goes on in Latin America....the CIA has admitted to overthrowing governments in Latin America...this meddling has resulted in civil wars that bring people to the US....

US trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA do not help latin america...if they did how would you be able to explain the increase of immigration to the US after those agreements were established?
I say that the UNITED STATES secures it's borders... land and sea. We lock everything down. If you are a citizen you stay, if you are not- then you get booted out.
If we need some workers we will recruit them from a foreign country, let them work and pay them- then send them back to where they came from when their work is done.

Aaaah, the republican solution to the overflow of immigrants. Tell me then, why is it that the US has rights they are not willing to give others? Why can the US outsource thousands of jobs and entire companies to other countries, stay as long as they like, pay below US minimum wages, until they've ran through the necessary resources or until the job is done, then cut and run and leave thousands unemployed??
Why can the US move CEO's and supervisors into the middle east, and parts of Latin America freely with their entire families and return them whenever they like?
Why can we build walls around ourselves, yet repremand anyone else for building those same walls?
Why can we look through everyone's weapon's programs, and tell them no, you cannot have these or those, but we'll take em and put em to good use??

You want to build walls, and keep everyone out, well then stop fucking them over and maybe they'd be able to have 3 square meals a day and they wouldn't need to invade your precious borders.

did you miss history class in high school? YES the US did have slaves and did force people to be slaves....why it was not until the 13th amendment was enacted in 1860 that people stopped officially being slaves...but unnofficially slavery still exists in America...

and there are historians who have actually reasearched this that say that some of the richness that exists today in the US was a direct result of the slavery that existed in the US.

US companies are in South America and in Latin America...why do you think that many of the clothes you buy often say Made in Mexico...made in Guatemala? And now the US has expanded to China and to Indonasia....in fact if you look at the tag in your clothes right now it probably will not say made in the USA....

As far as the US being responsible for some of what goes on in Latin America....the CIA has admitted to overthrowing governments in Latin America...this meddling has resulted in civil wars that bring people to the US....

US trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA do not help latin america...if they did how would you be able to explain the increase of immigration to the US after those agreements were established?

Yes I know about history. The US faught the south in a very bloody war to free the slaves that the Confederate had. America became very powerful shortly after that time.

Which southern family is rich because of slavery? Bill Gates? Hendry Ford? Donel Thrump? If anything the south, IE the area that praticed slavery, is much more poor then the north.

US companies gave latin America and the rest fo the world the invention of cars, computers, airplane, the light buld, cell phones, internet, television, telephones and 100 hundreds of other inventions. Tell me, Did you add this 'little' contributions to your 'Its all of America's Fault' equaltion? No not really? they don't count for shit?

Yes there are US companies in Latin America and the rest of the world which are outsourcing jobs to Americans and giving jobs to people overseas on a 75% lower wage. But what would this people be doing in their 2nd and 3rd world country if they didn't have a out sourced US job to begin with?

When are you goign to learn that people are responsible for their own actions. IE If the people decide to fight each other in a civil war when will you learn that its their fault and not the US fault?

And has latin America given us nothing but positive influence to the United States? Are they 100% innocennt of everything?

Sorry, but all your beliefs are lies and backwards and speak nothign but falsehoods.
Aaaah, the republican solution to the overflow of immigrants. Tell me then, why is it that the US has rights they are not willing to give others? Why can the US outsource thousands of jobs and entire companies to other countries, stay as long as they like, pay below US minimum wages, until they've ran through the necessary resources or until the job is done, then cut and run and leave thousands unemployed??
Why can the US move CEO's and supervisors into the middle east, and parts of Latin America freely with their entire families and return them whenever they like?
Why can we build walls around ourselves, yet repremand anyone else for building those same walls?
Why can we look through everyone's weapon's programs, and tell them no, you cannot have these or those, but we'll take em and put em to good use??

You want to build walls, and keep everyone out, well then stop fucking them over and maybe they'd be able to have 3 square meals a day and they wouldn't need to invade your precious borders.

The truth is that we trade with a lot of countries all over the world. If one of them falls it will affect us all.

How many foreigners have you seen in the US owning corner stories, super markets, hotels , motels etc etc? Is that fair for Americans?

The US already lets more people become legal citizens then the rest of the world combine so the US isnt as xenophopic and racist as you like saying it is.

Below miniuam wage for some people living outside the US is quite a bit. Especally in some places where the average yearly income is about 800 PER YEAR. yes 800 PER YEAR.

Would you trust other rogue countries with weapons of mass destruction? This countries kill off their own citizens so no. Many of them can't be trusted. Ohh and get this, its not the US fault that this countries are the way they are.

Latin America sucks because to many people are getting their money by means of begging, stealing, borrowing, extorting and corruption. Its not the US fault.
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and there are historians who have actually reasearched this that say that some of the richness that exists today in the US was a direct result of the slavery that existed in the US.
Which historians, and what wealth of today can be attributed to slavery?
I have actually read historical arguments that slavery was actually retarding (stalling) the economic growth of the US. In fact, most of the wealth that was being produced in the US before 1860 was being produced in the North--an area not know for slavery or plantations.
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Hello observer, I know who you are and i think you might know who I am.

to answer your question...the North has slavery to begin with it was only until the industrial revolution....so they too benefited from slavery...the South however had its basis in the agricultural so abolishing slavery was not possible for them...

There is one specific author that talks about this in a book called Slavery and the Making of America. I dont have the book but its at the beggining like in the very first pages that he says The slave trade and the products of the slave trade provided the basis for American wealth.....this was pre- the industrial revolution....and he argues that this wealth is what led the nation to be able to have the industrial revolution...

i am well aware that some historians say that after the industrial revolution happened slavery was no longer viable for the US...but this was AFTER the industrial revolution.
Where wil we go after we turn the US into Atlzan? Where will our people flee to find a better life after the one we have in the US turns to shit? Canada, Europe, Japan Australia? What about after that?
no one can stop the inevitable.your people are returning to Aztlan by the millions and i doubt that a wall or the militarization on the us/Mexican border would put a halt to the migrant exodus.calm down,brace yourself and just enjoy the ride.

blame the united states insatiable appetite for cheap labor.

Canada sounds like a nice place.
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