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O'Reilly Pays Legal Bill for Fallen Marine's Father

I wonder why George Bush and now BO have not looked into dealing with these protesters? At least I have not heard that they have- maybe I'm wrong. They at least owe that much to these soldiers who have died for this country.

Why does our government and many Americans treat our troops like sh*t?
Don't you think they have a right to a peaceful funeral? First Bush, now BO should be doing everything they can to give the families of these fallen troops a peaceful funeral.
yes. I'm glad somebody is taking a stand against these lunatics by not letting them ruin Mr. Snyder's life.

I think that has already happened- the protesters ruined the funeral. That's great O'reilly is doing it, but also he and Fox are realling twisting their arms to pat him on the back for doing this- kind of cheapening a good deed in my opinion.
I think if the President or someone in congress made a battle out of this issue and brought about peace to these families at the funerals- that would go along way in getting them votes!
the united states of america never had a real democracy, ever.

the last time we had a real economy was in, say 1940...now it has a plutonomy led by a plutocracy.
I met an Iraqi war vet last week at wwII memorial. He couldn't have been over 22 or 23, and lost his arm. i saluted him like a soldier oughta. It sure is different to see things on the news, and then to meet the people who were there.
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I think that has already happened- the protesters ruined the funeral. That's great O'reilly is doing it, but also he and Fox are realling twisting their arms to pat him on the back for doing this- kind of cheapening a good deed in my opinion.
I think if the President or someone in congress made a battle out of this issue and brought about peace to these families at the funerals- that would go along way in getting them votes!

obama is not looking at good people for votes , hes looking for the stupid ones .
Lol @ the leeche talking about leeches.


you are too a mental slave in today's society.

thats funny coming from someone who is on the groung worshiping a mussilum president who thinks hes doing somthing good for this country . you pothetic follower .
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