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I'm so fat

Please help me, I am very fat and do not know what to do with my body.
Diets do not help; nothing helps. :(

who ?????? Can you give me tip or advise me, I want to be thin?
hey wuz up....well look i know im not fat or anything but i got some familia like that i helped them loose weight.....they jus exercised 2 times a day drank nutin but water and healthy food in small portions.....i know itz hard but u want to be thin than ur gonna do wat ever it takes...
what i do when i gain pounds you know on the holidays all the food, but anyways i just eat all i want but i cant eat after 6 at night, maybe a snack like a fruit no ships, if you want to do that eat it b4 6. then like around 8 i'll go running for like and hour. and before i go to bed l'll do like 100 crunches it works for me maybe i'll work for you good luck
Hey, to be honest there is nothing wrong with that I'm an average looking girl and I always worry about my looks. But looks shouldn't even count in a persons life its the person that you are yourself. Like age, age aint nothing but a number. Listen up, I'm 135lbs and I go out with guys who are big. My parents actually judge me because my pick of guys, they always tell me I can do better but it don't matter what they think. I honestly don't care how big or small a person is even how ugly people say other people are. Not even how good or bad a person is I get along with everyone. So if you need someone to talk to just hollar at this girl.
No Te Aguites

:D Hey girl turn the negative comments into inspiration to go and work out walk some laps at a park do it for 6weeks and i promise you will see a chang just dont eat at night...only light snack if not double yourlaps or what not. stick to it....it doesnt come easy so put some ganas on y no te aguites
Well...i heard this on the radio you eat a light breakfest in the morning (like fruits) and by lunch you eat normally and by dinner you eat nothin but be sure to drink lots of water.
try lindora...my co-worker lost 65 lbs. in 4 months...
its all about cutting carbs n sugar
and exercising
and drinking plenty of water
and portion control.
good luck!
well, jus be happy with who you are, but i can see that you not so, dont worry, we in the same boat, sorta, yeah we are..........lol, but anyways, if you want to change the way you look well its not just eatin habbit, its a life change, food, activities, and maybe friends, start by changin the way you eat, you have to eat 3 proteinas, 2 arrinas, verduras ilimitadas, 3 frutas, and healthy snack, it got to be MEAL, snack, MEAL, snack, MEAL, all small size.............get nor active, dancin, runnin, jumpin, somethin that makes your heart pump, you need multi vitamins, water, off the sodas, and when i say friends i mean that some friends wont wanna do the same thins as you to get active so you might end up gping out to be active wit other ppl, which lead to new friends, that dont happin all the time but it do..............if i get more ideas ill hit you bach no doubt.
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