chicana barbie
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SignUp Now![hurtu] You are a dumbas.Freinds?With benefits?He is pretty much telling you are only good as a booty call.Get over him.He sounds like a dickhead to me.If he is dumping you for another girl wich has to be the case then move on and shoot for a better guy.If he is just dumping you to dump you he is gay.
Keep your head up,and just fuck him thats what I say.Cause me When I get tired of a girl I bone her then wait till there is no cemestry what so ever.Cause the physical part is good damn good but,there has to be something mentally in a relationship alsr yes!Your just a bootycall or freind with benefits.And you may love him.But you are just good for the pussy to him.He dosnt love you.And if you really think this is love your feeling your a dumb bitch.
Hey...Heres my secret.....Fuck yourself.fucku And she is a dumbass.And your advice is shitty to so your a fuckin skum.She asked for advice and you told her to use protection.Some fucking advice,So shut the fuck up because im giving serious advice.Dumb fuck..Probly a cracker.