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Recent content by greeneyez_18

  1. G


    Why do you act like you don't care? When deep down inside your a mess when I'm not there. Why are you letting something hold you back? When you know I'm trying to keep everything in tact. Why do you front when you?re around your friends? When everything your saying or doing is make believe or...
  2. G

    Im In lOv3 p3ro not WitH You,,,,

    Roses are red violets are blue. I'm in love but not with you. Why didn't you tell me from the start. Instead of going around breaking my heart. You told your friends how you made me cry. Why I told your girlfriend how your full of lies. Yeah you can go around saying how you played me. But...
  3. G

    Tim3 to mov3 on,,,,

    Wishing you felt the same way, Having to carry on each day, Trying to except your change of heart, I never knew you'd tear mine apart, I could satisfy your needs, And help you reach your goals and dreams, But just because I want us together, Doesn?t mean ill wait forever, I want you boy so...
  4. G

    I l0vE yOu,,,,

    I never really knew you You were just another friend But when I got to know you, I let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past memories that would only make me cry I had to forget my first love and give love another try So I've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go I love you more than...
  5. G


    I hope you don't know, I hope you don't see, All of the feelings Bursting inside of me. I wish I could tell you I wish I could let you know All of these feelings I would like to show. I lay in bed Hope and pray You will wake up And realize some day. Maybe one day you will know Maybe you...
  6. G

    My pRimA,,,,

    ThiS sHiiT iS confUsing To Me caN aNybOdy h3lp m3h out??.... alrighT sO Me nD ma PrimA hAVe alWays b33n H3lla cLose tu sab3s,,thats HOw moSt cUznS ar3,,,,W3ll we liVed togTher foR thRee yEarS cuZ my Familia took hEr in And ShiiT alright Well i haD a NoviO n bAsiCally wE Were at a pArty onE...
  7. G

    I dnT no3 wat to dO,,,,,

    Alratoz,,,so h3r3s wat happ3nd,,, so there is this guy who a while back i was hella into i recently told him how i felt pero the thing is that he is moving so hes not looking for a relationship por que he wont be here much longer,,,,so lets just say he became my sancho jajaj,,,okayy so one day...
  8. G


    Always~n~forever the words you always said I love u baby your my all,, the words that are stuck in my head,,, My chiquita,,,my nina bonita the things that made me smile tu sabes babii you always drove me wild,,,, Your kisses your hugs,the things that made me feel weak The way you would hold me...
  9. G

    You w3r3 th3 vato.....

    You were the vato of my dreams the vato i held in my heart but now you have left my vida n my life is falling apart.... You were the only vato i knew that cared the only vato who gave a fuck When you came into my liiife i felt like it was good luck... You were the vato whose kisses...

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