mann the US DID NOT rise against hitler in ww2.....the british and the russians did it before them.
when americans started coming for aid, they were too late....but their aid was needed in the holocaust. thats about it.
that foo is prolly in prison for having some illegals in his closet. i'd personally reward him a medal of honor if that is true. too bad that he's a fuckin pussy and would prolly cry if he got locked up.
racial profiling at its can't go around harrassing immigrants just because they look mexican ?
Bill Richardson opposes the legislation, and Obama seems to show some dislike as well.
here's something for people in minneapolis...
The nukes have been getting downsized for years, including during Clinton and Bush so this isn't something new at all.
but i know i know, obama wants russia or china to cream us. is that right