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Ok. Why get rid of the nukes?

Well the first is a hypothetical meant to demonstrate the disparity between the $711 billion we spend versus the $70 billion they spend and they only thing equalizing us is the nukes, but even though you're one of your trolls now... I thought you weren't speaking to me?

Whenever you're ready to have an adult debate with all your military experience being brought to the fore I'm standing right in front of you.
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Trying to stay on topic here . The US military budget by all mean is huge,thats a fact . But its not all spent on bombs,ships,planes and tanks . There's money in there for all kinds of things like the war on terror,NASA,international security,state dept.,and more . Then there is past military . That includes veterans benefits, interest on national debt (created by military spending ). Its a long list .

From what I have read about the Obama nuke thing,its aimed at control of " nuke materials.
So does Russia. They spend on the same things we do but they don't have as much to spend. We spend $711 billion vs their $70 billion there's just no comparison.

It aims to control of course. It aims to put that control in our hands or at least with an agreement for shared oversight. Transparency. But it also seeks to reduce the numbers by one third. So it seeks to try to ensure those nuclear materials don't get into the hands of terrorists and rogue states and by signing an accord with Russia it brings them into the fold as something a little closer to a ally though we're not exactly there yet.
So does Russia. They spend on the same things we do but they don't have as much to spend. We spend $711 billion vs their $70 billion there's just no comparison.

It aims to control of course. It aims to put that control in our hands or at least with an agreement for shared oversight. Transparency. But it also seeks to reduce the numbers by one third. So it seeks to try to ensure those nuclear materials don't get into the hands of terrorists and rogue states and by signing an accord with Russia it brings them into the fold as something a little closer to a ally though we're not exactly there yet.

I don't ever see Russia becoming friends with the US anytime soon . The control of nuke material,will never be there.Country's like Iran and N Korea will keep it going . As far as terrorist or other getting nuke material,thats a toss up .When the collapse of the Soviet Union came about there were many suggestion (and might have happened who knows) of Russian people selling "" Nuke stuff""for a few rubles.
Originally Posted by steve doocy View Post

I haven't provided you proof yet. Are you backing down from your statement?

Let me know if you are stalking me. Otherwise wait till I answer your request.
Come on grape, your punk ass never proves anything.
I don't ever see Russia becoming friends with the US anytime soon .

Well I said it brought them close to us I didn't put any timetables on friendship with Russia. What it does it makes it easier for us to know what's going on with their nukes to a certain extent. A small extent granted but greater than before thus we are in a better position than before. That along with having a third fewer Russian nukes pointed at us.

The control of nuke material,will never be there.

Why not? Give more than opinion. Back it up with sources. I mean if you mean our own there has never been an ounce of gold stolen from Fort Knox we can do the same with enriched Plutonium. As far as Russia a third fewer with components broken down and stored in centralized location as opposed to all over the country does provide for better controls.

Country's like Iran and N Korea will keep it going .

We're talking Russia and N Korea has an aging fleet with small numbers and Iran doesn't even have one as of right now. When exactly will a country as poor as that have as many nukes as Russia? Do you know the numbers? LOL!

As far as terrorist or other getting nuke material,thats a toss up .When the collapse of the Soviet Union came about there were many suggestion (and might have happened who knows) of Russian people selling "" Nuke stuff""for a few rubles.

We are talking facts. There is talk of aliens building the pyramids as well. Osama is supposed to be a member of the CIA. Saddam Hussein is supposed to have numerous doubles. The break up of the Soviet Union actually is not what we are disusing as any sovereign nations born from that break up were not being policed by us Russia or really anyone but that sovereign nation. This treaty is between our two nations and the controls are with respect to those two nations. Period. Next.
Lol. My name's Steve Doocy. Got proof of something else put it up. What are you waiting for?

Come on grape, your punk ass never proves anything.

As for backing things up well i said we spend much more on our military than them and backed it up with this


Then I got you all backed up and you said (when you had no response which you still don't)

I love facts, why don't you show proof that you are who you say you are, because I don't want to talk to some delusional pretender.

Sound pretty backed up to me. Lol. But here you are still trying to talk with me like you are really on it. Yet you still have not had anything to offer regarding nukes besides bulletproof vests...

I got you all backed up then got you to back up off your position to not talk to me until I proved I was Steve Doocy and are still talking. I got you backing up all over the place. And you called me a nerd. Dude if a nerd can make you do that... what does that make you?

But hey, guy, that's just my opinion.
Trying to stay on topic here . The US military budget by all mean is huge,thats a fact . But its not all spent on bombs,ships,planes and tanks . There's money in there for all kinds of things like the war on terror,NASA,international security,state dept.,and more . Then there is past military . That includes veterans benefits, interest on national debt (created by military spending ). Its a long list .

From what I have read about the Obama nuke thing,its aimed at control of " nuke materials.

Exactly, exactly.
Hi there fish . IMHO as a member her said its to get a feather in his hat . But they all try to do this . Obama lost a lot of creditability with the American people . So now he has to look good to the world , since most see him as a looser with his own country .

Hero, thanks for focusing on my second question. I think the dude with the pie chart missed it. See, I am concerned. Because if the stimulus did work, and recovery is on the way, then why does CA have an increase in unemployement. Up 1% March 2010. And the rest of the nation is still unemployed at around 9%. I do not need a pie chart because all of watch and listen to different news sources.

But what does the media focus on? Oh, look! Obama is going to this country and that country to talk about this and that. Meanwhile American jobs are still going overseas. Illegal immigrants come to our country drop a baby and they get welfare. AND the natural born American cannot get any assistance. WTF
Hero, thanks for focusing on my second question. I think the dude with the pie chart missed it. See, I am concerned. Because if the stimulus did work, and recovery is on the way, then why does CA have an increase in unemployement. Up 1% March 2010. And the rest of the nation is still unemployed at around 9%. I do not need a pie chart because all of watch and listen to different news sources.

But what does the media focus on? Oh, look! Obama is going to this country and that country to talk about this and that. Meanwhile American jobs are still going overseas. Illegal immigrants come to our country drop a baby and they get welfare. AND the natural born American cannot get any assistance. WTF

As a contractor I was hoping to cash in om some of that stimulus cash myself . It would have helped my business and employees out .I did see a few bids come up that were part of the stimulus , city projects . I did not get them,who knows why but there not done yet . Word is the city is using some of that cash for "other" things . I suppose do to tax loss revenue.

One of my biggest businesses I do work for a zoo . Is lobbying for that money to expand the zoo . If I were to get that contract I could hire 10 to 15 more guys for full time employment for at least 2 years .

But I know I will here it from some of the other members "cough" ,but a perfect example of what is going on here is simple . I hired a Mexican guy 4 or 5 years ago as a painter . Paid him top dollar,and he was a good painter . But he wanted to start his own business . I gave him a good luck hand shake and told him that would be great .I'm thinking a new business will hire a few guys and help out the unemployment rate . He did well until the housing mess started and any construction company fell because of it . He took and lay ed off fired,made them quit what ever . then took and went and hired illegals for help . This is what causes problems .

When I hire a new employee I do a e-verify,criminal background and some times a credit check,just to make sure there not illegal .

Sorry for the Long post .
Hero, thanks for focusing on my second question. I think the dude with the pie chart missed it. See, I am concerned. Because if the stimulus did work, and recovery is on the way, then why does CA have an increase in unemployement. Up 1% March 2010. And the rest of the nation is still unemployed at around 9%. I do not need a pie chart because all of watch and listen to different news sources.

But what does the media focus on? Oh, look! Obama is going to this country and that country to talk about this and that. Meanwhile American jobs are still going overseas. Illegal immigrants come to our country drop a baby and they get welfare. AND the natural born American cannot get any assistance. WTF

that would require more spending. you think he should spend more?
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