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  1. jets2345


  2. jets2345

    Politica de Mexico Governor Samuel García De Nuevo León Tries To take All The credit for near-shoring

    García spends most of his time taking selfies and globe-trotting on the taxpayer's dime. I agree that state would have benefitted regardless of what Governer was in power. He's just playing politics when he tries to take credit for everything.
  3. jets2345

    Colorism Mexico’s Modern Day Caste System After Spanish Colonization

    Having primarily white media personalities helps them perpetuate white worshipping, that's the whole point of them just having white actors in a majority tan skinned country. The demographics of media personalities influence how different racial and ethnic groups are perceived by the audience...
  4. jets2345

    Politica de Mexico AMLO's Woke Push for Gender-Neutral Language School Books Sets a bad precedent

    This morning, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported that after a meeting with the Governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, it was agreed that the new textbooks will be delivered to the primary and secondary schools.
  5. jets2345

    Immigration Mexican president says US soldier killed Mexican migrant

    Tragedy has struck the border city of Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua, as a US National Guard member killed a man of Mexican origin last Saturday. Darwin Jose Garcia, a 37-year-old from the coastal state of Veracruz, was shot while attempting to cross into the United States. Initial reports stated...
  6. jets2345

    Ya Valio Madres American Woke Culture will be the end of Mexican Family values

    How the American "Woke" culture trend threatens Mexican traditional family values The rise of "Woke" culture has been a popular topic in recent years, spreading across the world and sparking debates on various issues. But while this movement may have started with good intentions, some fear it...
  7. jets2345

    Politica de Mexico AMLO's Woke Push for Gender-Neutral Language School Books Sets a bad precedent

    Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or commonly known as AMLO, has recently announced that his administration will promote western woke culture that includes the use of gender-neutral language in school books. He believes that this move is necessary to eliminate discrimination in...
  8. jets2345

    Trade Why Mexico Should Look to Asia for Trade and Be Less Reliant on the U.S.

    Why Mexico Should Look to Asia for Trade and Be Less Reliant on the U.S. Mexico and the United States share a unique relationship. From a geographic perspective, one cannot exist without the other. Even more so, their neighbors on the North American continent have shared a trading partnership...
  9. jets2345

    Geopolitics Mexico Needs to Shift to Asia for Trade: The Way Forward

    For too long, Mexico has been too reliant on the U.S. for trade. This reliance has often resulted in lopsided trade deals that have hurt Mexico’s economy. However, the recent shift by the U.S. towards protectionism and its disregard for bilateral relations have pushed Mexico towards looking for...
  10. jets2345

    Question que etnicidad Es Peso Pluma? no es mexicano?

    PESO PLUMA es whitexican
  11. jets2345

    Question Should Mexico Worry about THE MASSIVE influx of expats?

    Expats, or individuals who temporarily or permanently live in a foreign country, can bring both benefits and challenges to the host country. On the one hand, expats can contribute to the local economy by creating jobs, investing in local businesses, and paying taxes. They can also bring new...
  12. jets2345

    Question Is PESO PLUMA even Mexican?

    IS PESO PLUMA EVEN MEXICAN? real name: "Hassan" Emilio "Kabande" Laija. As a surname, Hassan may be Arabic, Irish, Scottish, or Jewish
  13. jets2345


  14. jets2345


    The Potential Impact of an Economic Bloc between India and China As two of the world’s most populous nations, India and China have the power to shape global policy. If these two rivals can find common ground, their economic bloc could be a powerful force in the world. This partnership could...
  15. jets2345

    Geopolitics Why Mexico Should Never Unite with the U.S. in an Economic Bloc

    Mexico has been a great beneficiary of being part of NAFTA, but that does not mean it should be part of an economic bloc with the United States. The current American government’s colonialist policies continue to interfere in Mexico’s internal affairs and have caused great harm to its people...
  16. jets2345

    Politica de Mexico Requiere el Poder Judicial de una profunda transformación, sostiene Ricardo Monreal (nota)

    The idea is good, but MONREAL is part of the problem in Mexico, as he's been colluding with the opposition and favor of the Mexico's old corrupt guard PRI & PAN.
  17. jets2345


    I see a lot of pro U.S propaganda in the media as of late; let Me say this: Mexico should never Unite with U.S & Canada's Old Racist Colonial Powers.. Be wary of those pushing for this blasphemy. Let their own tongue fall upon themselves.
  18. jets2345

    Crime An entitled American conducts experiment in Mexico's stratosphere without ASKING FOR PERMISSION

  19. jets2345

    Trade U.S. customs officials are cracking down on egg smugglers

    In recent weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has seen an increase of eggs being smuggled into the United States. As a result, they have begun to crack down on egg smugglers, with fines up to $10,000 for those who fail to declare agricultural items when entering the country. This blog post...
  20. jets2345

    Crime José Gutiérrez Missing in Jerez de García, Zacatecas

    while visiting fiancé in Jerez de García, Zacatecas, Mexico Hamilton resident José Gutiérrez, 36, was last seen with his soon-to-be wife Daniela Márquez, 31, her sister, Viviana Márquez, 26, and the women's cousin, Irma Vargas, 27, in Jerez de García, Zacatecas, on Sunday...

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