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Arizona governor signs controversial immigration law

There are no what if's, Illegal alien and violent criminal Edwin Ramos should of not been in this country and he should of been deported for the previous crimes he committed (including one against a pregnant woman!)- he was a know violent criminal/ gang member. If he was locked up and then deported the Bologna family (dad and 2 sons) would not have been slaughtered that day- FACT.

So illegals should b run out of this country for commiting crimes?
What bout these sick f**ks that do shit like this where do u think they should be sent?

The Vampire of Sacramento- Richard Chase earned the nickname "The Vampire of Sacramento" after brutally killing six people, including a child and an infant, then drank their blood and ate some of their organs.

Hadden Clark- Michelle Dorr, came by looking for his niece. No one was home, but Clark told the young girl his niece was in her bedroom and followed her into the house where he butchered her with a knife and cannibalized her, then buried her body in a shallow grave in a near-by park. While in prison Clark bragged to fellow inmates about murdering several women, including Michelle Dorr.

The Craigslist Killer- Philip Markoff, a 22-year-old medical student was arrested by Boston authorities in connection with their investigation into a series of crimes against women who were advertising erotic services on the online classified service Craigslist. May 4, 2009
Rhode Island officials have filed charges against a Boston medical student who has been accused of killing a masseuse he met on the online classified website Craigslist. Philip Markoff has been charged with the assault of a stripper at a motel in Warwick.

The BTK Serial Killer- The BTK Strangler claimed credit for a series of seven murders in Wichita, Kansas in the early 1970s, then seemingly disappeared in 1977, and resurfaced again in March 2004 to claim responsibility for an eighth murder in 1986. BTK, which stands for "Bind, Torture, Kill," is the name the killer gave himself in communications with the news media and police. June 27, 2005, Dennis Rader pleaded guilty to 10 counts of first-degree murder then calmly told the court the chilling details of the "Bind, Torture, Kill" slayings.

The Caylee Anthony Case
The Case of Jaycee Lee Dugard
The Crimes of Drew Peterson
The Trial of Melissa Huckaby
The Craigslist Killer Case

The Crimes of Anthony Sowell
The Crimes of John Albert Gardner III
The Murder of Annie Le
The Allen-Cutshall Murders

the list goes on and on and on and on...

illegals are not the only ones that commit crimes, no matter what race, no matter what color skin ppl hav, or where ppl are from, criminals are criminals. And thats the only label they should be given NOT where they were born. All criminals should be sent to jail, not be run out of this country. And why should the honest hardworking ppl have to pay for the crimes other ppl committed.

The Bill is B.S.
So illegals should b run out of this country for commiting crimes? Yes
What bout these sick f**ks that do shit like this where do u think they should be sent? Throw them into a woodchipper

The Vampire of Sacramento- Richard Chase earned the nickname "The Vampire of Sacramento" after brutally killing six people, including a child and an infant, then drank their blood and ate some of their organs.

Hadden Clark- Michelle Dorr, came by looking for his niece. No one was home, but Clark told the young girl his niece was in her bedroom and followed her into the house where he butchered her with a knife and cannibalized her,...

The Craigslist Killer- Philip Markoff, a 22-year-old medical student was arrested by Boston authorities in connection with their investigation into a series of crimes against women...

The BTK Serial Killer- The BTK Strangler claimed credit for a series of seven murders in Wichita, ...

The Caylee Anthony Case
The Case of Jaycee Lee Dugard
The Crimes of Drew Peterson
The Trial of Melissa Huckaby
The Craigslist Killer Case

The Crimes of Anthony Sowell
The Crimes of John Albert Gardner III
The Murder of Annie Le
The Allen-Cutshall Murders

the list goes on and on and on and on...

illegals are not the only ones that commit crimes, I never said they were. no matter what race, no matter what color skin ppl hav, or where ppl are from, criminals are criminals. And thats the only label they should be given NOT where they were born. All criminals should be sent to jail, not be run out of this country. And why should the honest hardworking ppl have to pay for the crimes other ppl committed. I did not say LEGAL immigration should not exist

The Bill is B.S. That's your opinion, but you should research the damage these people are causing that state.
Yeah truth that they are . I do believe we will see a different approach to the way people vote in November . What II think you will see is the Republicans doing what the Dem's . and Obama did in 2008 . Promise the Hispanics/Latinos/Mexicans or what ever there called amnesty if there put in office . These people are sheep walking to where they think a good thing is . Most are angry or have no or little respect for the Dem's. or Obama .And of course they will be lied to just for there vote .
i say if we want ppls labor then we should give them the LEGAL oppurtunity to become full fledged citizens in the land they live and die in. i'm tired of seeing families torn apart due to the purely economically b.s. reasons of why only a few thousand are allowed in legally.

from the money they get in tickets (no license) to everything else.

now were reaping the whirlwind in every way imaginable from social to economic to poliitical.

nobody likes the consequences of having a huge group of 2nd class citizens but no one wants to do a damn thing about it.

They do have the opportunity to immigrate legally. They simply choose to go the illegal route....
^ it's ironic to see this NeoConfederate using race as an argument against illegal immigration when it is plain to see he is merely trying to divide black and brown people when one who studies history knows that the Confederate flag in his avatar represents the enslavement, genocide, persecution and murder of Black people by Whites

GeneriCons are losing power and control because they are outnumbered by progressives and immigrants who tend to lean toward supporting unions and the Democratic Party which is a significant threat to the NeoCons in the GOP

Merely trying to divide black and brown?

i dont like this law nether but the imigrants have done this to them selves. they have made a bad name by thinking that they can push there way a round .terible situation .
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