LMFAO at that video . Law abiding people the guy in the funny hat said .
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SignUp Now!that foo is prolly in prison for having some illegals in his closet. i'd personally reward him a medal of honor if that is true. too bad that he's a fuckin pussy and would prolly cry if he got locked up.Where the hell is Tony602 in all these shit?
Mexica Tiahui!
So, over a million people are allowed to become new citizens every year in the U.S. and the largest group of them are from Mexico- at about 250,000 a year. The U.S. allows more legal immigration than any nation in the world. Obama even upped the amount of legal immigrants allowed to come over this year- at a time when unemployment is at around 10% officially and probably more in actuality. Teen part time workers are at about 50% unemployment. So why isn't 1,200,000 immigrants a year enough? A lot of scientists say that US optimum capacity is between 200-250 million people- to not strain resources, etc. We are at over 300 million now. If just legal immigration continues as it is, it is estimated that the U.S. will have near half a billion in the next 50 years.
So, over a million people are allowed to become new citizens every year in the U.S. and the largest group of them are from Mexico- at about 250,000 a year. The U.S. allows more legal immigration than any nation in the world. Obama even upped the amount of legal immigrants allowed to come over this year- at a time when unemployment is at around 10% officially and probably more in actuality. Teen part time workers are at about 50% unemployment. So why isn't 1,200,000 immigrants a year enough? A lot of scientists say that US optimum capacity is between 200-250 million people- to not strain resources, etc. We are at over 300 million now. If just legal immigration continues as it is, it is estimated that the U.S. will have near half a billion in the next 50 years.
YEAH, The Mexicans know why they're angry. The Tea Baggers haven't got a clue.
Saw this on MSNBC, CNN, HLN, ABC, CBS, and even MTV. But of course FAUX claims the MSM never covered it.
No, your way off here. I doubt any of the Hispanics give a rats ass about the illegals. It's about being guilty of being brown and having an accent.They're angry because they won't be allowed to ignore the law anymore? Fvck them and their protests. Each protest will be a good opportunity for the police to round up the illegals.
YEAH, The Mexicans know why they're angry. The Tea Baggers haven't got a clue.
Saw this on MSNBC, CNN, HLN, ABC, CBS, and even MTV. But of course FAUX claims the MSM never covered it.
though i agree with you on the fact that we don't want illegals here this law will slow down or deter some but not all.......another thing i see happening from this is that there will be a day when a legal (born here) US citizen of mexican decent will die at the hands of those enforcing the new law and when that happens the shit will hit the fan and that's when the REAL HELL will break lose![]()
an indigenous people can turn the other cheek for so long. i will pity no one from their wrath.
the mexicans are angry at the goverment for making promyses that they know they can;t posobly make. put into place by pro-amnesty groups like la raza and others . most mexicans are a puppet created by these people . and used as a voting tool .
Indeed they are, why can't we all learn to love each other we are all brothers and sisters separated by color all we have is each other
History slowly but surely is in fact attempting to repeat itself in this modern u.s. we reside in today
What's the matter troof, don't want to actually address a topic with a thought out response?
I see the rioting has already began
^ it's ironic to see this NeoConfederate using race as an argument against illegal immigration when it is plain to see he is merely trying to divide black and brown people when one who studies history knows that the Confederate flag in his avatar represents the enslavement, genocide, persecution and murder of Black people by Whites
GeneriCons are losing power and control because they are outnumbered by progressives and immigrants who tend to lean toward supporting unions and the Democratic Party which is a significant threat to the NeoCons in the GOP
that statement is what is causing so much anger and will bring harm to all . keep chasing la raza .
Shame on the politicians, they have blood on their hands. WAR!