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Date your own race

Em said "dont fuck wit black gurls, cuz all they want is ur money..for thier nails and hair"....lmao!
NO more interaces best advice i can give out goodbye..And for all you nigger loves...Go to blackplanet.com theres plenty of nigger women/men and white people/hispanic/ect who just wish they were black,you can also post there and everything just like bp ;) for those wondering why i was there..I went to the chatroom just to make fun of there mudskin :o
I love fu ckn latinas.I think they god's gift to black men.And i will continue to pound latina kitty kat untill i see fit to do other wise.So fu ck you and whoever else got a problem with blacks.:D
Man Them Racist Ass Ppl Get On My God Dame Nerve I Wish There Was No Color On Earth White,black,brown, Ppl We All Got Feelings All Living Things Rite Dame There Is And Always Be Someone Not The Same Race Or Color As You Thats How The Fuckin World Is So You Gotta Live In It Stop Bitching And Get A Life Some Time I Wish Ppl Were All Jus One Color Like Lets Say Purple You Kno There Would Be No Racist Ppl And There Dumbasses Would See That We Werent At All Different In The Begining!!!!!!!!!!!!............
What people do not understand is that humans are among one of the only species that worry about what features someone has(what type of human they are). I have never noticed cats only mating with their same breed(unless that is all that available). As human beings on this planet we need to realize that we are all one species and things like "selective breeding" for oneself is not going to do anything but decrease the human population. I am not saying that if everyone looked the same then racism will dissappear.Look at Europe and Africa-there are so many countries where all the people look the same as their neighboring countries,but due to cultural differences there had been and still is wars between these countries. My general line is that my idea of a Utopia would be a world where cultures saw over the types of humanoids and observed the culture of which one was exhibiting. Although racism will always exist on planet Earth, I think that humanoids would be less likely of stereotyping another category of humanoid with different characteristics and may associate with him/her. Culture is a way of living, it is nowhere in the vicinity of types of humanoids-which should have nothing to do with culture. Distribution pf each culture around the world and rejecting the idea of humanoid types = culture would lead to all types of cutures around the world without hesitation. Another idea is that humanoid types will not be observed by proffesions resulting in no white,yellow,brown,black,or red people being at the bottom of the social level of any country. Cultures can keep their ethnic traditions but can open their culture up to outsiders while throwing away traditions based on humanoid types.

Excuse the length
I think that it isn't a bad idea to mix racially. And it's happening; this world is getting smaller and cultures are blending. But it is also important to preserve your heritage and traditions and not forget where you came from.
If EVERYONE mixed, imagine what things would be like. It wouldn't be good. The world's population would be filled with mutts. But that probably won't happen anytime soon. Maybe in 5,000 years.
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