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fuk love who agrees wit me add a comment ok

dAt SAME SHit HAPPEN 2 ME My EX VAt0 CHEAtEd S0o0 MANy tiMEz ANd liEd ANd WNtEd ME BAk ANd Still d0Ez ANd i USE 2 SAy FUk l0VE BUt i St0P SAyN it EVER SiNCE i MEt dA VAt0 iM Wid ANd My EX tRiEz 2 BRAKE Uz UP By tEllN PPl dAt i Still lyk HiM WEN i dNt EVEN tAlk 2 HiM N0M0RE
fuck love to the 1z dat hurt u but u jus got 2 look for ur guy cuz not all r gonna treat u bad u gotta look for ur rite vato out dere, i mean i get where u cumin from i say fuck love all the tym but shyt we need learn wat is love nd wat is jus bullshyt
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