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Hate Crime Statistics in the USA- FBI

Racial Bias
In 2005, law enforcement agencies reported that 4,691 hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:
68.2 percent were triggered by anti-black bias.
19.9 percent were motivated by anti-white bias.
4.9 percent resulted from anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
4.9 percent were driven by bias against groups of individuals in which more than one race was reported (anti-multiple races, group).
2.0 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias.
An analysis of available race data for the 6,804 known hate crime offenders revealed that:
60.5 percent were white.
19.9 percent were black.
12.3 percent were unknown.
5.2 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
1.1 percent of known offenders were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
0.9 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
So Blacks are 3-4 times more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than to be an offender
Asians are 5 times more likely to be a victim than an offender
Native Americans are twice as likely to be a victim of a hate crime than an offender
Whites are 3 times more likely to be an offender than a victim of a hate crime.

And yes, Bush refuses to pass hate crime legislation??
see when a latino or a black person kills ...it's because he doesn't got no money to eat...or he wants to put some food in his daughter's mouth(i'm not saying its right )
when you go to mexico, people dont give a fuck what color you are...if you look rich then your gettin mug..most people kill for water in third world poverty...only in america would the crime rate increased as hate crime and racial bias.
can anybody post a documented hate crime AGAINST a White person that doen't have to do with homosexuality?

you're not even answering his question.

honestly, i dont see much racism where i'm from...but i do know and witnessed police brutality in the united states.

i dont know if it's racism (which mostly it is) or is it that their intimidated minority? in most cases, it IS racism...since everyone is so quick to pull out a race card.
I don't see much racism where I'm from either. And I have neither witnessed nor heard of people being brutalised by police officers around here. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, sure, but I don't think it's as big of a problem as people make it out to be.
It's because many crimes committed against whites are not labeled hate crimes. Here's an example of a crime that has not been labeled a hate crime. You tell me if there was any hate involved in this...


I just don't trust crime statistics. Numbers are manipulated, locally, for political reasons. If you want an example, look at comments recently made by a Tampa police officer. This is just one of many instances.

The hate crime statistics will always be in favor of the minorities. The smaller the minority, the more favorable the number.
It's because many crimes committed against whites are not labeled hate crimes. Here's an example of a crime that has not been labeled a hate crime. You tell me if there was any hate involved in this...


I just don't trust crime statistics. Numbers are manipulated, locally, for political reasons. If you want an example, look at comments recently made by a Tampa police officer. This is just one of many instances.

The hate crime statistics will always be in favor of the minorities. The smaller the minority, the more favorable the number.

I agree with Australia...numbers are manipulated all over the place. Sadly, they are our only 'shared' reality. We watch different television, different news sources and obviously have different experiences...That which we share is twisted as well...
Aren't all violent crimes committed out of hate?

I agree and if we are all equal then sentencing should be the same weather the victim and criminal is straight, gay, black, white, brown, yellow, young, old handicap etc.

what are you saying if you give a person who viciously beats up a gay person 5 years in prison and a person who viciously beats up a straight person 1 year?

I agree and if we are all equal then sentencing should be the same weather the victim and criminal is straight, gay, black, white, brown, yellow, young, old handicap etc.

what are you saying if you give a person who viciously beats up a gay person 5 years in prison and a person who viciously beats up a straight person 1 year?


actually hate crimes against asians are underreported too, because its embarassing to be jumped by a bunch of rednecks.

anyways, this goes to show you how much we need more hate crime legislation in this country.
actually hate crimes against asians are underreported too, because its embarassing to be jumped by a bunch of rednecks.

anyways, this goes to show you how much we need more hate crime legislation in this country.

I disagree, we don't need more laws- we need to enforce the ones we already have.
Does it really matter why a person was killed? Would it make you feel better to know your brother was killed for the money in his wallet instead of the color of his skin?
Dead is dead and the criminal should serve hard time for taking a life. EQUALITY
actually hate crimes against asians are underreported too, because its embarassing to be jumped by a bunch of rednecks.

that goes the other way around too...for blacks and latinos....even thou it happens alot in our hoods...a white person walkin in the hood is more than likely to be attacked by a buncha black guys...but if i ever got jumped by a buncha white guys..i would asume their a buncha kkk members..i mean c'mon why wouldn't i think that? LOL..im not black but im still mexican..LOL..
but like Truthbtold said...E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y
yeah actually it makes me feel better if someone i know was robbed for their money, instead of beaten up for the color of their skin.

people need money, there's a big gap between rich and poor, sometimes yeah that shiet happens.

but to say all crime is the same is stupid.

but yeah, thats fine with me.. if i hear of an asian guy who gets jumped just bc of his race, yeah imma bump heads with the next white boy i see... yup. i made sure every white boy in frisco walks with his head down in the ground when i was there. yup.
but yeah, thats fine with me.. if i hear of an asian guy who gets jumped just bc of his race, yeah imma bump heads with the next white boy i see... yup. i made sure every white boy in frisco walks with his head down in the ground when i was there. yup.

sure tough guy, whatever you say.

you live in a tv bubble. i think we all realize that now. come down to LA. I'll show you around.

i'll even buy u a cheeseburger. that is if you can get off your chair.

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