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Hate Crime Statistics in the USA- FBI

Naw you can have LA... too smoggy, too fake, too much plastic surgery, too many gangs, too many illegals, too much crime, too self absorbed with hollywood phonies... it's a sh*t hole. I have no desire to go back.

SF is a haven for redneck midwesterners who can't adjust to diversity, so instead, they just whine all the time and master the art of canker sore personality.

you can have sf, just don't leave your bubble and we will be fine.

SF is a haven for redneck midwesterners who can't adjust to diversity, so instead, they just whine all the time and master the art of canker sore personality.

you can have sf, just don't leave your bubble and we will be fine.

You just outed your ignorance again. Haven for Midwesterners in SF huh? Must be those REDNECKS that give us our liberal label huh.

Swing and a miss 90... STRIKE 1!
You just outed your ignorance again. Haven for Midwesterners in SF huh? Must be those REDNECKS that give us our liberal label huh.

Swing and a miss 90... STRIKE 1!
uhh... sf isn't as liberal as it used to be fool. its a fake cover ever since gonzales lost and the tech boom brough in midwesterners. all the old school hippies moved to the east bay.

midwesterners taken over the city. its a fact.
Naw you can have LA... too smoggy, too fake, too much plastic surgery, too many gangs, too many illegals, too much crime, too self absorbed with hollywood phonies... it's a sh*t hole. I have no desire to go back.

you really wouldn't survive there my fellow white brotha...LOL...u like brownies? ;)
uhh... sf isn't as liberal as it used to be fool. its a fake cover ever since gonzales lost and the tech boom brough in midwesterners. all the old school hippies moved to the east bay.

midwesterners taken over the city. its a fact.

SF isn't liberal? How many cities can you name that voted to outlaw guns? How many cities have declared themselves safe havens for illegals? Get a clue before you run your yap... maybe Berkeley is the only place in the world that is more liberal. Midwesterners are not taking over The City. Latinos and Asians have the numbers. Get a clue, buy a vowel, do something.
SF isn't liberal? How many cities can you name that voted to outlaw guns? How many cities have declared themselves safe havens for illegals? Get a clue before you run your yap... maybe Berkeley is the only place in the world that is more liberal. Midwesterners are not taking over The City. Latinos and Asians have the numbers. Get a clue, buy a vowel, do something.

thats all on the surface.

there are like hardly any latinos in SF. Also look at the way the city treats Bayview Hunter's Point. Its despicable.

also there is plenty of racism in SF. like look at the SF 49ers training video last year, where they make fun of asians, or of the police training video that made fun of latinos and blacks. none of that should have happened, but SF lets the midwesterners roam free.
thats all on the surface.

there are like hardly any latinos in SF

As of the 2000 U.S. Census, San Francisco was a minority-majority city, as non-Hispanic Whites comprised less than half of the population. However, estimates since then show an overall population decline and a slightly higher decline among non-white populations.[79] Asian Americans, principally Chinese, comprise nearly a third of the population. Hispanics of any race make up about 14 percent of the population that is not counting the illegals. At less than 8 percent of the population, San Francisco's African American percentage mirrors that of the State of California.

Folks at home do your own research- 90 is so far off it's not even funny.
14% latinos? i dunno about that maybe its true tho. it seemed more like 2% when i lived there.

but still SF is a city that allows anti Asian training videos for the 49ers and anti black and latino police videos exist so openly. and it still treats bayview hunter's point pretty shitty.

for such a "liberal" city, its attitude is far from progressive. the only "minority" people they really care about is gays in SF. midwestern whites walk around SF like they own the place, and newly arrived midwesterners get first priority over other ethnic groups whose taxes have built the city and california.
14% latinos? i dunno about that maybe its true tho. it seemed more like 2% when i lived there.

but still SF is a city that allows anti Asian training videos for the 49ers and anti black and latino police videos exist so openly. and it still treats bayview hunter's point pretty shitty.

for such a "liberal" city, its attitude is far from progressive. the only "minority" people they really care about is gays in SF. midwestern whites walk around SF like they own the place, and newly arrived midwesterners get first priority over other ethnic groups whose taxes have built the city and california.

you lived in SF, I doubt that. If you did you would know the population break down. You have no clue about The City. Sorry 90, but I had to out you.
^ i did live in SF for a while. i heard mission did have a lot of mexicans, but i never really kicked it there. a lot of people from LA end up hating SF, like I did. the weather makes people whine and become annoying. thats my personal opinion. all that fog and gloomy weather... people who move to LA from SF, say that people in LA are a lot more chill, and poeple in SF are too emo.

btw, you never encountered my points about 49ers, police training video, bayview hunter's point, and midwesteners walking around like they own the place.

for someone whose name is truth be told, you sure avoid the truth like the plague.
^ i did live in SF for a while. i heard mission did have a lot of mexicans, but i never really kicked it there. a lot of people from LA end up hating SF, like I did. the weather makes people whine and become annoying. thats my personal opinion. all that fog and gloomy weather... people who move to LA from SF, say that people in LA are a lot more chill, and poeple in SF are too emo.

btw, you never encountered my points about 49ers, police training video, bayview hunter's point, and midwesteners walking around like they own the place.

for someone whose name is truth be told, you sure avoid the truth like the plague.

what neighborhood did you live in? what street, you sound like a fraud.
49ers video, I thought was funny.
Police video was not funny- they are supposed to treat everyone fairly w/o prejudice.
Hunter's Point is going to be the next IT neighborhood- it is going to be developed.
i lived in the sunset not that far off of taraval.

i sound like a fraud eh?

that 49er's video was pretty racist. but hey, who cares about a bunch of dog fucking crackas?

hunter's point, whats messed up is that there is huge gentrification going on there. all the new jobs there are for people outside of hunter's point, none are for people who live there. anyone with common sense knows that such a situation will lead to tension. especially as the new buildings being built will kick out old residents. LA has gentrification as well, but it was dealt with a bit more maturely.

either way, im glad Im out of SF. even tho a lot of white girls in SF nowadays are dating asian guys... thats probably the only good thing about SF. a lot of white girls love asian guys. LOL!
i lived in the sunset not that far off of taraval.

i sound like a fraud eh?
Mission runs the whole length of The City... yet you chose to stay on Taravel and cast judgement on a City you chose not to explore.

that 49er's video was pretty racist. but hey, who cares about a bunch of dog fucking crackas?

Come on now we all the fondness Asain's have for dog. White people bone sheep- get your facts straight kid

hunter's point, whats messed up is that there is huge gentrification going on there. all the new jobs there are for people outside of hunter's point, none are for people who live there. anyone with common sense knows that such a situation will lead to tension.

so you are suggesting having unqualified people do the work? That makes no sense. A lot of those people don't want to work, they are perfectly happy waiting for their check on the 1st and 15th.

either way, im glad Im out of SF. even tho a lot of white girls nowadays are dating asian guys... thats probably the only good thing about SF. a lot of white girls love asian guys. LOL
yeah you never see a White guy with an Asian chick. lol you are funny. You should join the military if you want to see Asian women flock to American d!ck :)
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^ its better to eat a dog, than to phuck a dog.

alfred kinsey estimated that 50% of white male farmers had sex with their animals.

and like I said, LA dealt with gentrification in a much more mature way. You don't have to know how, I'd much rather see riots break out in SF.

hahaha well if you guys want ugly rejects so much, you can have bai ling. LOL hey, you should have seen the mongols and huns screw all the white girls in europe. Trust me, they were pretty happy about it. why else do you think eastern europeans have black hair? LOL
^ its better to eat a dog, than to phuck a dog.

alfred kinsey estimated that 50% of white male farmers had sex with their animals.

and like I said, LA dealt with gentrification in a much more mature way. You don't have to know how, I'd much rather see riots break out in SF.

hahaha well if you guys want ugly rejects so much, you can have bai ling. LOL hey, you should have seen the mongols and huns screw all the white girls in europe. Trust me, they were pretty happy about it. why else do you think eastern europeans have black hair? LOL

please stop reading MAD magazine for your facts. L:)L
^ some 17 percent of the farm boys in our sample had had some sexual contact with farm animals to the point of orgasm, while half or more of the boys from certain rural areas of the United States had had such experience."

Thats from Alfred Kinsey's report, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Yes the famous Alfred Kinsey. See? its better to eat a dog, than rape a dog.


Here is a picture of Attila the Hun's empire into Europe. yes, Attila looked straight up Mongolian. The only reason Attila the Hun invaded and destroyed the Roman empire was because Roman Princess Honoria asked for Attila's hand in marriage. Yes, even back then, white women were asking Asian guys to get married. Come invade me! LOL Notice how all the empires under Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun eventually became communist. Poland, Hungary, Russia, Czeckoslovakia, Bulgaria, etc... LOL! thats some powerful sperm there...


Yes. this is what Attila the Hun looked like. Attila was from the same ethnicity and tribal ancestor as Genghis Khan and the Mongols.


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