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well for one rite now ur young to have a boyfriend pero i mean its cool tho...fuk her she aint a true homie....she fake az hell she set u up...you'll find other friends dont leave him cuz it aint his fault...
tats true she did set me up n i been goin out with him for a month n im not gonna stop datin him cuz of her
the only thinq i can say is
the sa
me shit happend thu me
buht ma problem
is alot different

im datinq my cuzinz ex
and i feel in love with him
we been toqether for 3 years and 6 months

and the prima of mine
[is jealous]
buht she moved on
cuz they were together for 3 n a half years
and yeah we hate eachother
buht he feel in love with me too

follow yhur heart!
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