Who gives a shit piss troof off
These muhfuckers R a joke
LOL....You need a shoulder to cry on ?
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These muhfuckers R a joke
obviously they already know they can't deport every sinqle immiqrant.
thats why they have more hate aqainst us.
we've delt with this our whole lives;its never qoinq to chanqe.
we just have to stay stronq.don't let them qet under our skin.
shut the fuck dummy you don't know anything.Its a mirror government law !
shut the fuck dummy you don't know anything.
it is what it is legalized racial profiling.
how clever,you now try to switch it off with a tangent response.lulzApparently I know more than you..If its what you say it is . Why is the government sitting on its hands ?
It was put in effect so it could be challenged,that way the government and racist Latinos would look stupid .
how clever,you now try to switch it off with a tangent response.lulz
center piece of your argument:
the law doesn't target latinos only illegal immigrants.
when asked to describe an illegal immigrant he posted this pic:
uh,yeah they look like some latinos to me.
you failed.
lol @ your pathetic back peddling attempt.Ever herd of a black Latino or a Italian Latino ? The pic I posted is one of many different illegal immigrants . And is the most common . You fail again by trying to use skin color as a profile .
lol @ your pathetic back peddling attempt.
I asked you to decribe and that's what YOU posted.
your failure still stands.