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hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

the laws target latinos. that's how and why. very simple, very easy. arizona has a history of racism regarding legislation. it's a part of the bigger drive to try and make sure latinos are not the dominant racial group in america. hence the targeting of the constitutional law stating people born here are automatic citizens. sorry.


BUZZ...Your wrong again . The law is a mirror law from the Government .It targets "illegal immigrants "
Fishsurf is a mixed breed. But, an American citizen who is against my tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants - regardless of what country they come from - comining to my country and receiving government handouts. I pass the ball right back to our government. The illegals are only taking advantage of what is being offered.

I hear that .



Those are guys that are waiting to be deported or have been deported after breaking the law and winding up in Sheriff Arpaio's custody.

America for Americans!
Good point...and if we did....who'd clean our toilets?

dis onez gutz ur nae allz ova it, ese...5.00 per hour= mui bueno!


like i said b4 dams u kno so much bout cleanin toilets... how much do dey pay yu? u must have alot of experience! how long have u been workin on dat? bout 10 years maybe? let me kno. u talk too much bout it...u must b relli gud at doin it ese
like i said b4 dams u kno so much bout cleanin toilets... how much do dey pay yu? u must have alot of experience! how long have u been workin on dat? bout 10 years maybe? let me kno. u talk too much bout it...u must b relli gud at doin it ese

he don't. he so used to what that looks like he be seein faces in it. but they can't get rid of everybody especially if all they do is talk.
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