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If you hate whites why date them?

oh please...get over it....niggaz make doggy comments about women all the damn time and bitches seem to love it...so get ur fact straight.

ur offended? do i give a fuk? i don't even know you and you dont know me...by the way fuk the statistics
tigressabebe said:
my ass is mixed and im offended by the losers who are making comments about white women..hmm i dont have 10 kids sitting on welfare like most latin women are..i dont hate i love hispanic men..but get educated about the statistics its NOT the white women sukking up welfare ppl..

no one here cares if ur offended understand that pls! lifes a bitch then u die, dont get mad cus ur not pure blood...are u sure ur half girly? u look full cracka 2 me! lol get over it shit happens.
go to stormfront.org....all the way to the bottom source ..there is a few sub forums where it say ...."Stormfront britain, stormfront spain, stormfront ireland, stormfront latin america and stormfront south africa"
LoL..most of it in spanish but they have some heads there that speak english....they claimed Uruguay and Argentina as the "whitest" nation in south america. dumbasses...but it's funny how they still ain't accepted by the extreme WN's on there..
well obviously they r racist...and this ignorance exists in south america that a sad reality...even mestizo's ashame of black ppl and the blacks in their roots....

sumtimes my mother can be real racist against black people...but she seems to be more racist against the blacks in latin america than african americans..

Sounds like my nan she hates black people lol i no your probably confused lol my nan is a normal mexican lady she's brown my grandad is brown but his dad's dad is dark skinned anyway so when my dad was born my nan was mad as hell cus he was dark lol

When my nan speaks about datin she always says there is no real need to date someone darker than you shy lol when i was datin this african girl my nan was mad then she saw her and liked her cus she was basically brown lol. I always say to her nan but you black to and she's like ya but not like that lol
they act like hispanics are supposed to be all lightskinned...so they say "date tall light person" instead of a blacker person to better la raza and have "good" hair because anybody that has nappy hair is a "no" to them....thats wack..LOOL
damn lotta people tend to stereotype a group of people cause of how they was treated by'em.....that really suck....thats the same like most white folks stereotyping mexicans as cheaters and abusers to their woman...RIGHT...its the redneck that beat their woman...but there i go..stereotyping..:rolleyes:
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