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Jury Duty


Experienced Poster
Has anyone had jury duty and what do you think about it? I had jury duty for the first time today.

I thought it was interesting to catch a little glimpse at how our legal system operates. I wasn't chosen for the case questioned for today, but I will return tomorrow.

I would like to be a juror for a murder case or something interesting like that. What are your thoughts?
Well, I got a letter in the mail a month ago saying I have jury duty for such and such date (today).

I showed up today and there were about 100 people who showed up. The judge broke us down into 9 panels of 12 (a jury consists of 12 people) and he swore us in one panel at a time. We swore to look at whatever case we would be selected for in a strictly objective manner.

My panel and another panel were selected to be interviewed/questioned for a case. The case was a civil suit where a lady was trying to sue for injuries she sustained during a pretty bad automobile accident.

Both the plaintiff's and the defendant's attorneys questioned all of us. The attorneys were trying to determine who they would want on the jury and were looking for people who they felt would best have sympathy for their client's case.

We had a short break. We returned and the attorneys selected the 12 people for their jury panel. The rest of us (about 17 in all) were dismissed.

We have to go back tomorrow to see if we will be needed for another case. Pretty cool, except I want something more interesting like a murder case or something like that. Sick as it sounds.
I got that hated letter in the mail last year. I kept calling in and post-poning my date until they finally told me I had to come in (no exceptions)... I forgot to call in to find out if/when I had to show or not. :o oops.
I got that hated letter in the mail last year. I kept calling in and post-poning my date until they finally told me I had to come in (no exceptions)... I forgot to call in to find out if/when I had to show or not. :o oops.

Under law you are required to show for jury duty. I am not sure what would exactly they can do to you. I remember getting that dreaded letter when I was living in Cali and I just ignored it. Damn, maybe I have a warrant for not showing up. LOL.

You would think it would be lame and a waste of time, but I found the process to be very interesting and would recommend anyone to show up and check it out.
I got that hated letter in the mail last year. I kept calling in and post-poning my date until they finally told me I had to come in (no exceptions)... I forgot to call in to find out if/when I had to show or not. :o oops.

Just tell em' that you are extremely prejudice and no matter what, you think the suspect should get the death penalty.....ends there.
Are you guys retarded? Do you honestly think theyre going to send cops to your house for not reporting to jury duty? They mail those things and they cant even prove you receive them.

Only idiots who respond to those things actually go...
Youre just supposed to throw those letters out, dude.

I've done that once.

Just tell em' that you are extremely prejudice and no matter what, you think the suspect should get the death penalty.....ends there.

I thought about that.

Are you guys retarded? Do you honestly think theyre going to send cops to your house for not reporting to jury duty? They mail those things and they cant even prove you receive them.

Only idiots who respond to those things actually go...

Who said they thought cops would be sent to someone's door? Now that I have gone, I think it is pretty interesting---that doesn't make one an idiot.
we just had our "your now an adult" speech at school and they were talking about jury duty...my spanish teacher was telling us not to long ago that for the longest time he got away with saying he didnt know english hahaha
we just had our "your now an adult" speech at school and they were talking about jury duty...my spanish teacher was telling us not to long ago that for the longest time he got away with saying he didnt know english hahaha

That's one way to get out. LOL.

I'm gonna take my laptop tomorrow. They got wifi at the courthouse. I'll surf while I wait for a case.
lol well we had an hour long speech about our duties as 18 yr olds...pretty lame most of the things i already knew..like they talked bout having a gf r bf under 18 nd having sex and hosting a party wit minors.. and then they talked about jury duty and i was like o wow heard some things i didnt know...

i also learned something else....you have to be registered atleast 15 days before the presidential election so that you can vote...i never knew that before
lol fo real it was a deputy talkin to us...and so he was all saying how all these things we cud get in trubble...then at the end he goes..dont get me wrong theres many good things about being 18 ...you can get your own place..but theres a lot of responsibility...we were all like damm ok mejor take me back 3 years lol
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