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Im just telling you to get an education,... has nothing to do with what we're talking about in this thread.

I honestly think you're the stupidest person Ive ever met. And Im not even saying that to be mean. Youre borderline retarded, I think.
Tony, the Aztecs where living with 1st centuary technology just like the romans did in their time.(actually the romans were much much more advance) When the Spanish invaders came they brought over 16 centuary technology with them thus eventually making the Meso Americans into a more advance society. The Native Americans had much much less.

There are people in Africa living off the land right now without cars or a nice house. Is that what you call ok? The reason America is so successful is because we are greedy and we are willing to work hard for a good life where you have a nice house, car, plasma TV, cell phones etc etc.

That is why illegals come here. They want nice things for their lives too.

You want to live like an animal in a cave or a hut and only get enough for your needs and to survive thats your problem. But don't think that you are better then anyone else just because thats your way of thinking.
What would happen if America would have never been existed?

Can you tell me where the, telephone, car, television, computer, airplane, cell phone, plastics, rubber, oil all came from? It came from people who were greedy.
so being greedy a good thing?....i dont agree with that...well all those things u mentioned well thanks to that there are many ppl that are dead from war and many ppl are poor thanks to corporations and lots of miserable ppl ....thanks white man for ruining happiness for everybody in the world
some white people are good and do good things, some white poeple are bad and do bad things... just like EVERY race. But like an idiot, you only think 'the white mans bad' durr..

geez, get a clue.
so being greedy a good thing?....i dont agree with that...well all those things u mentioned well thanks to that there are many ppl that are dead from war and many ppl are poor thanks to corporations and lots of miserable ppl ....thanks white man for ruining happiness for everybody in the world

Why do you always point out that is always ''the white man's fault'', the human race is all the same no matter what color you are. The europeans came here and took what they wanted, and hey, thats how things used to work for ALL humanity, but thankfully, human kind evolves, society evolves, and YOU should be thankfull that we are living in a more civilized and more organized world.
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