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Punkass Father

no way thas my relationship wit my mom.....kinda of.................pero mi dad im daddy's lil girl.........but my mom wow es like she wants to eat me alive soemtimes.............no jk..................:eek:
Yeah I used to be daddys lil girl but I guess he can't stand to see me grow up...my moms da best though I love her....I used to respect my dad but not any more
I liked this.. I def. could feel the emotion.. You had a nice message, just approached it differently then some might.. which is a good thing.. The flow of it was pretty nice, vocab was pretty good.. Overall. I liked reading this.. Nice shit man. Peace.
I liked this.. I def. could feel the emotion.. You had a nice message, just approached it differently then some might.. which is a good thing.. The flow of it was pretty nice, vocab was pretty good.. Overall. I liked reading this.. Nice shit man. Peace.

orale, orale....thanx....simon I be using my thesaurus...orale thanx 4 the f.b. homito thanx 'precciate it...1 love
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