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So mexicans are taking jobs from americans

True, Mexico is not a poor country. But it's the lack of opportunity (and corruption) in many Latin American countries that drives illegal immigration. Can anyone believe these people risk their lives just to steal from Americans? Or do they leave their homeland, their families, everything they know, to live in the shadows, work the toughest, most underpaid jobs, live like animals with the bare minimum so their families can have a better life.

Human beings wanting a better life for their families. We can all relate to that.

It's unfair to punish those who want the same things everyone else does. And who search for it in one of the few countries where an immigrant can create a future for his loved ones--a country of opportunity and freedom.

These immigrants are pawns of politicians and their respective governments. It's an ugly business and I understand your frustration. But please don't blame a person who is doing no less that what we would do in his extremely worn shoes.

Okay. Now rant is really over. So sorry. :o

Good points.
Are immigrants taking jobs from American workers?
Current Affairs, Demographics, Immigration ? posted by V?ctor Manuel Ramos on September, 22 2009 9:02 PM

The following is from Sentinel Staff Writer Jim Stratton. You can read more from Stratton in the Sentinel's Blog-O-Nomics blog.

Uh-oh. The people concerned about immigration ? legal and otherwise ? aren't going to like what Tobias Madden is saying.

He's a regional economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis who recently wrote a commentary on immigration and the economy.

In it, Madden dismisses as "myth" the idea that foreign workers take significant numbers of jobs from American workers.

That notion, he writes, "stems from the idea that the number of jobs in America is fixed, and every job taken by an immigrant reduces the total number of available jobs, always to the detriment of native-born workers. This overlooks some valuable economic contributions from immigration on both the supply of and demand for labor."

Madden says increased competition for work provides Americans with incentives to improve their skills through additional training.

"Such an outcome" he says, "is good for native workers, who should see their wages increase, as well as employers, who benefit from a higher-skilled workforce."

Immigration also helps on the demand side because the foreign-born workers spend money on food, shelter, clothes and other goods and services.

"There is some empirical evidence that immigrants create more jobs than they fill," Madden writes, "thereby increasing overall employment."

He acknowledges that foreign-born workers increase "competition for available jobs" and may depress wages in some cases. But most economists, he writes, "find very modest impacts" on prevailing salaries.

Here's his conclusion:

"In the United States, where the foreign-born make up about 12 percent of the population, should policymakers curb immigration to 'protect American jobs?' In a nutshell, no."

This would be a nervy political argument to make in even the best economy. Given the state of affairs today, I can't decide whether Madden is courageous or tone deaf.

True, Mexico is not a poor country. But it's the lack of opportunity (and corruption) in many Latin American countries that drives illegal immigration. Can anyone believe these people risk their lives just to steal from Americans? Or do they leave their homeland, their families, everything they know, to live in the shadows, work the toughest, most underpaid jobs, live like animals with the bare minimum so their families can have a better life.

Human beings wanting a better life for their families. We can all relate to that.

It's unfair to punish those who want the same things everyone else does. And who search for it in one of the few countries where an immigrant can create a future for his loved ones--a country of opportunity and freedom.

These immigrants are pawns of politicians and their respective governments. It's an ugly business and I understand your frustration. But please don't blame a person who is doing no less that what we would do in his extremely worn shoes.

Okay. Now rant is really over. So sorry. :o

Lack of opportunity ? When more and more American jobs are being outsourced to Mexico . You used the word steal .They are criminals,they have abused the US constitution,they have manipulated the system for personal gain at the cost of billions of dollars . They do do some ugly jobs but not to the point that many have said . What about the people in the US that would like to have a better opportunity ? There country is not poor,its not a uncivilized country and in some means has more freedom that the US has .

And being pawns of there own Government ! Come on now ,thats a stupid gesture when they can demand better . Its been done in other stricter,and heavily political control country's .
Lack of opportunity ? When more and more American jobs are being outsourced to Mexico .
uh you do understand that people get paid peanuts to shit in a days work,right?much like the sweat shops in china...while the corporations grow richer and richer.
You used the word steal .They are criminals,they have abused the US constitution,they have manipulated the system for personal gain at the cost of billions of dollars . They do do some ugly jobs but not to the point that many have said . What about the people in the US that would like to have a better opportunity ? There country is not poor,its not a uncivilized country and in some means has more freedom that the US has .
the only ones you have to blame for this is your own government and economic system...which has proven itself unable to solve the problems of the people living under it.
And being pawns of there own Government ! Come on now ,thats a stupid gesture when they can demand better . Its been done in other stricter,and heavily political control country's .
demand better?you mean try and change their socioeconomics like Cuba and Venezuela?yeah,perhaps that sounds like the most rational thing to do,but for now, they're economy(NAFTA) is more dependent of the united states than ever...

also migrating north serves as a valve to decrease the tensions building up in that powder keg.
red wings look homie id like to drive you to the edge of my dick in your mouth n id like to drive my fist in your vagina i told you about your skank ass little sister she wana kick it with the homies she gave it up to the hole crew as for your girl friend so got the mexican dick homie she cant stop thinking of raul n know u gota live with that wide ass pussie it aint pacoes falt its yours your ansesters gave u a lil dick go get an inlargment and a penis fat inlargment to red wings y dont u just find me at a gym ill show u a thing or two about talking shit it might caught up to u i dont think u have the balls thats y u say it on hear but u know i got them ask your old ladie the were slapen her ass hole wile i pounded some realy mexican in her atleast she can know say she reached her climax homie eater her out if u cant do the job or take her to a hipotist n get that shit earased from her head then mabee you can finaly live with yourself dam red wings y u buggn for years you talk the same nonsence my ansesters smansesters fuck u go one on one with me ill fly out thier for realz i been wanting to unleash the beast for a minute.
Hmm, some of this is a good read, other is just voluntarily ignorant ..

That said, I'm white (and still a bit tanner than my mexican husband - lol), but I'm not a fat ass, not on welfare, and noone (regardless of color or lack thereof) has taken my job - damn the luck!!

uh you do understand that people get paid peanuts to shit in a days work,right?much like the sweat shops in china...while the corporations grow richer and richer.

the only ones you have to blame for this is your own government and economic system...which has proven itself unable to solve the problems of the people living under it.
demand better?you mean try and change their socioeconomics like Cuba and Venezuela?yeah,perhaps that sounds like the most rational thing to do,but for now, they're economy(NAFTA) is more dependent of the united states than ever...

also migrating north serves as a valve to decrease the tensions building up in that powder keg.

First off thanks for a constructive opinion .

I understand that the people work cheaper and may even work in a sweat shop type atmosphere in Mexico and China .

I do blame my government and relay my frustration with them all the time, But as I stated the illegals and there sponsors are manipulating the system .There Dependant on the US for economies is understandable . Case in point Mexico buys things from the US and the US buys from Mexico .But how can you justify ( being a US tax payer/citizen ) to fund people who come to the states illegally and,manipulate the system

I understand Mexico is under a lot of pressure and is a powder keg . But as I said other country's have been under similar situations and have stood there ground . A few> China,Russia,Vietnam and others .
Hmm, some of this is a good read, other is just voluntarily ignorant ..

That said, I'm white (and still a bit tanner than my mexican husband - lol), but I'm not a fat ass, not on welfare, and noone (regardless of color or lack thereof) has taken my job - damn the luck!!


Welcome to the discussion .
Welcome to the discussion .

Thank you ..

Lack of opportunity ? When more and more American jobs are being outsourced to Mexico . You used the word steal .They are criminals,they have abused the US constitution,they have manipulated the system for personal gain at the cost of billions of dollars . They do do some ugly jobs but not to the point that many have said . What about the people in the US that would like to have a better opportunity ? There country is not poor,its not a uncivilized country and in some means has more freedom that the US has .

All I know, is that in my husband's company, when it's wet or muddy, his crew will work regardless of the conditions - it's a paycheck - gawd knows we still have to pay the mortgage whether it rains or not - but the other crews flat out refuse, they don't wanna get dirty or sick (their words) .. in my company, management prefer hispanics because (in their words) they don't whine and cry - they work .. whereas the other guys are always bumping about this and that .. in neither company is anyone color paid better than the other - they're paid according to how long they've been there and how willing are they to do their jobs?!?

I'm not saying that brown, black, white, purple, or green people work any better than the other - but there ARE certain people that WILL work .. point in fact ..

About Mexico having more freedoms - that goes without saying - they are a people that can live life (happily) with or without money ,. opportunity for work isn't there - money is scarce, therefore people aren't pressured from birth to keep up with the Jones (or whoever) .. however, people still have to eat, get medical care, and whatnot, which takes money .. it only takes losing someone that you love for lack of money to get medical attention, or seeing someone go hungry before you WILL (don't care who ya are or aren't) go where you can help those close to your heart. I don't know, people are dying to get here for a reason - that should be enough said that they're desperate? Food and medical care are a necessity .. no creas?

And being pawns of there own Government ! Come on now ,thats a stupid gesture when they can demand better . Its been done in other stricter,and heavily political control country's .

That's the pot calling the kettle black :rolleyes:
First off thanks for a constructive opinion .

I understand that the people work cheaper and may even work in a sweat shop type atmosphere in Mexico and China .

I do blame my government and relay my frustration with them all the time, But as I stated the illegals and there sponsors are manipulating the system .There Dependant on the US for economies is understandable . Case in point Mexico buys things from the US and the US buys from Mexico .But how can you justify ( being a US tax payer/citizen ) to fund people who come to the states illegally and,manipulate the system
Look,would you agree that without work they would most likely leave?I mean,who hires these people so that they may afford housing and the means to manipulate the system?

We know for a fact that immigration policies,deportation,military along the border,and the great wall fail to curb the migration.So how can you stop this?by coming on here day in day out crying about it without any significant solutions.Think!who is the real culprit behind your sleepless nights?Is it the ones seeking work or the ones hiring them?

I understand Mexico is under a lot of pressure and is a powder keg . But as I said other country's have been under similar situations and have stood there ground . A few> China,Russia,Vietnam and others .
all pseudo socialist countries at one point..nice.
Thank you ..

All I know, is that in my husband's company, when it's wet or muddy, his crew will work regardless of the conditions - it's a paycheck - gawd knows we still have to pay the mortgage whether it rains or not - but the other crews flat out refuse, they don't wanna get dirty or sick (their words) .. in my company, management prefer hispanics because (in their words) they don't whine and cry - they work .. whereas the other guys are always bumping about this and that .. in neither company is anyone color paid better than the other - they're paid according to how long they've been there and how willing are they to do their jobs?!?

I'm not saying that brown, black, white, purple, or green people work any better than the other - but there ARE certain people that WILL work .. point in fact ..

About Mexico having more freedoms - that goes without saying - they are a people that can live life (happily) with or without money ,. opportunity for work isn't there - money is scarce, therefore people aren't pressured from birth to keep up with the Jones (or whoever) .. however, people still have to eat, get medical care, and whatnot, which takes money .. it only takes losing someone that you love for lack of money to get medical attention, or seeing someone go hungry before you WILL (don't care who ya are or aren't) go where you can help those close to your heart. I don't know, people are dying to get here for a reason - that should be enough said that they're desperate? Food and medical care are a necessity .. no creas?

That's the pot calling the kettle black :rolleyes:

Your husband sounds like hes in construction of some sort . I myself own a construction company . Most of my guys a one gal usually work rain sleet or snow . I try to keep some indoor work for those days . I have a very good relationship with them . Everybody has a bad day and complains . The 4 Mexicans ( they like to be called ) have been working for me for years . And they do work hard ,but there older and wiser . Its the young ones that complain about its to hot,to cold to dirty or on there phones all day .

I do the same thing about the pay time with the company and experience .

Mexico has been poor ( people without money ) for decades . They have always made ends meet Why the mad rush now ?

.And yes I have had a love one die because of no health care/money . She went to the emergency room for chest pains,after waiting hours she got fed up and left . The reason for the wait ? The corner said a person can't get emergency care do to the illegals that are waiting for a Doctor for there colds .

That's the pot calling the kettle black :rolleyes:
There are people in this country standing up for .
Look,would you agree that without work they would most likely leave?I mean,who hires these people so that they may afford housing and the means to manipulate the system?

We know for a fact that immigration policies,deportation,military along the border,and the great wall fail to curb the migration.So how can you stop this?by coming on here day in day out crying about it without any significant solutions.Think!who is the real culprit behind your sleepless nights?Is it the ones seeking work or the ones hiring them?

all pseudo socialist countries at one point..nice.

I do believe that some would leave without work,and some have . Company's who hire them,range from the guy down the street with his landscaping company to major company's . Then there are the ones that gained citizenship by manipulating the system and will continue to receive those benefits . Just like a bum on welfare .

So as a question to you ? For many years I have been told by Mexicans even the guys that work for me who have become some of my best friends ,there coming here to take there land back . What do you say about that .

There are ways to stop it .

FYI> I don't have sleepless nights . I come here because I was told that if I really wanted to know how Mexicans/Latin people felt about people and this country . And so far they are correct .
I do believe that some would leave without work,and some have . Company's who hire them,range from the guy down the street with his landscaping company to major company's . Then there are the ones that gained citizenship by manipulating the system and will continue to receive those benefits . Just like a bum on welfare .
but they would had to have lived here for a certain amount of time in order to gain citizenship,working all the while to do so.

So as a question to you ? For many years I have been told by Mexicans even the guys that work for me who have become some of my best friends ,there coming here to take there land back . What do you say about that .
The truth of the matter is that it's inevitable and they're doing it peacefully without firing a single shot.

There are ways to stop it .
which is?

FYI> I don't have sleepless nights . I come here because I was told that if I really wanted to know how Mexicans/Latin people felt about people and this country . And so far they are correct .
which is?
Mexico has been poor ( people without money ) for decades . They have always made ends meet Why the mad rush now?

No mad rush NOW - it's been like this ..

And yes I have had a love one die because of no health care/money . She went to the emergency room for chest pains,after waiting hours she got fed up and left . The reason for the wait ? The corner said a person can't get emergency care do to the illegals that are waiting for a Doctor for there colds .

Let me ask you something .. for lack of a better example .. if you had a family living next to you and you knew they were very very poor - not lazy, just poor - they had no food - that the kids were going hungry - and they asked you if they could come over and do things around your place for money - would ya lend a helping hand or tell them to get the hell back in their own yard and leave you and yours alone? To me, its different, but not much so .. this is an opinion, and opinions are like assholes - everybody got one - but TO ME, Canada and Mexico ARE our neighbors and IMHO it's our obligation to help them - it shouldn't be such a hardship and make everyone so angry. I just don't get it .. if the people have NO criminal record and they have families here and they really ARE here just to work and make it better for them and theirs, then what's the big deal??

There are people in this country standing up for .

And getting nowhere fast!! :mad:
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