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Tatts ...........

Now people, pay attention to what you just read,
he just got finished saying the same thingz that i said
but its ok, i take it as a compliment
you have to use my style cuz yours is incompetent.
There's no way i'm gay, who do you think made you
I didn't want your ugly ass thatz why i gave you,
this is no way to speak to your hefe
you ain't big enough to fight me, drink more leche.
My words run train on you
there like strain, inflicting pain on you.
making you cluck like a chicken
whats that sound, oh thatz your manhood rippin'
when you step into the ring you best be prepared
it's hard to fight a nigga when he'z running scared.
Now your turn to follow along....ready,
1,2......unique is through
3,4......I leave the crowd wanting more
5,6......you throw kicks, but i throw bricks
7,8......I'm fueled by hate
9,10....no way you can win.

Do you seriously call that skills?
Homie you rhyming like you just popped 2 whole lists of pills
You need to take a hike to the hills
Compose some more shit and not come back until youre truly ready
Truly ready to get murked indefinetely, I'm the masked murder keeping your blood ouring steadily
You say I said everything you did?
Homie thats how good I am, I'll repeat your whole speech all in diff words and on your ass put a lid
How can you say I'm through when this didint even get started
You call this battle...shit get yo ass on somewhere, I'm making you a member of the departed
Now move 4rm around my way before I leave you half hearted
Cause I will shove your face so far in the mud
I will crush your heart and make you go cold like betrayed blood
Actually I'm really getting sick of your this and that
So ima end this, cause I'm the best in this....clap clap
its ova'
I'm laying you to sleep like overdosing on codeine and douja
Do you seriously call that skills?
Homie you rhyming like you just popped 2 whole lists of pills
You need to take a hike to the hills
Compose some more shit and not come back until youre truly ready
Truly ready to get murked indefinetely, I'm the masked murder keeping your blood ouring steadily
You say I said everything you did?
Homie thats how good I am, I'll repeat your whole speech all in diff words and on your ass put a lid
How can you say I'm through when this didint even get started
You call this battle...shit get yo ass on somewhere, I'm making you a member of the departed
Now move 4rm around my way before I leave you half hearted
Cause I will shove your face so far in the mud
I will crush your heart and make you go cold like betrayed blood
Actually I'm really getting sick of your this and that
So ima end this, cause I'm the best in this....clap clap
its ova'
I'm laying you to sleep like overdosing on codeine and douja

You missed, you prabably need to get ya glasses fixed
cuz i was standing right in front of you, with a beam at your dome
you'll never get rid of me like an out of control clone.
I'm the brutalist battler you'll ever face
i'll snatch your heart out your chest and throw it back at ya face.
Jack my rymes since you can't produce any
I'll still smoke you, like as if it was 4/20
I'll make your ego collapse
with these fast ass advanced raps
gangsta, gangsta cholo, cholo
get out my face and don't come back solo
cuz i'll split your wig from ear to ear
this battle rap is ending hear.
I'm pulling the plug on you and your vocab.
(now the line went flat)
poor guy, he wanted to win so bad.
You missed, you prabably need to get ya glasses fixed
cuz i was standing right in front of you, with a beam at your dome
you'll never get rid of me like an out of control clone.
I'm the brutalist battler you'll ever face
i'll snatch your heart out your chest and throw it back at ya face.
Jack my rymes since you can't produce any
I'll still smoke you, like as if it was 4/20
I'll make your ego collapse
with these fast ass advanced raps
gangsta, gangsta cholo, cholo
get out my face and don't come back solo
cuz i'll split your wig from ear to ear
this battle rap is ending hear.
I'm pulling the plug on you and your vocab.
(now the line went flat)
poor guy, he wanted to win so bad.

NO this nigga didnt, ol mark ass just used his flow twice
You need to live som emore and grow wise
Understand lyrical murderers like us arent to be fucked with
You're a lie homie, just like the day before JUly the 5th
Like Mr. and Mrs. Smith
You're living a dream dawg...your life is based on myths
You say your straight up out th eghetto
Nigga you more like the m.e.tal without the pedal
You're made of boken bones and ground up filaments
Like a Sprint
With no phone line, your soul is a Socrates writing with no print
Your brains are worth less than spare change
You trwing lines at a mind thats deranged
You need to change your lifestyle beofre you find urself under my rhymes infrared beam range
You really need to find yourself, cause ur identity is lost
Before reality hits u hard and your legs turn to frost
I'll make you freeze right on the spot
Turn your throath into a pipe with a clot
My head is a burning pot
Springing with ideas, like an defense mode SWAT squad
Turning your life into an Escobar death plot
You say you'll rip my heart, for ppl like u I have none
Ima slay you so bad, next thing you'll be entering a convent like a Catholic nun
My rhymes will unfurl your life and make it undone
Sending you up to meet the Lord's son
I'll have you running from the real world like a bullet rushing out a gun
Its the Jr Big Pun
Leaving you without a trace
my lyrics hurt you like mase
And leave a brand in your brain like a bon fire staying ablaze
My lines will make you craze
Like four white walls closing in and crushing ur last days
Stick you in a padded room, and to you turn your mind into a maze
Leave you confused and senseless
Your mentality running wild, too out of control for you, fenceless
And I done left your combat defenseless
I wrote one single flow for the both of ya,
my words grab hold and start choking ya.
You just mad cuz i shot up your raps,
thatz what you niggas get for runnin' ya traps.
DoeMemba'z a faggit and your just a nerd
I'll beat the shit out of both of your words.
flip on you like mcdonald's flips burgers
properly performing poetic mureder.
Thiz iz Lil Poet sayin' FUCK all my enemies
hate it or love it you hoes gone remember me.
I'm harder than hard, so 4get givin' up
I'm a leave this world not givin' a fuck.
Lil nigga,
your too predictable i already no what you gonna say
all that writting and your Still sounding gay
I'll shove the mic up your ass along with your pride
all seduce your lyrics and they'll come join my side
for every one of your most hurtful verse
I reimburse one thatz 10 timez as worst.
I'll hang you both with a nuse, and walk away as your strangling
I defeated both your styles and just left ya dangling.
I wrote one single flow for the both of ya,
my words grab hold and start choking ya.
You just mad cuz i shot up your raps,
thatz what you niggas get for runnin' ya traps.
DoeMemba'z a faggit and your just a nerd
I'll beat the shit out of both of your words.
flip on you like mcdonald's flips burgers
properly performing poetic mureder.
Thiz iz Lil Poet sayin' FUCK all my enemies
hate it or love it you hoes gone remember me.
I'm harder than hard, so 4get givin' up
I'm a leave this world not givin' a fuck.
Lil nigga,
your too predictable i already no what you gonna say
all that writting and your Still sounding gay
I'll shove the mic up your ass along with your pride
all seduce your lyrics and they'll come join my side
for every one of your most hurtful verse
I reimburse one thatz 10 timez as worst.
I'll hang you both with a nuse, and walk away as your strangling
I defeated both your styles and just left ya dangling.

First off all....I'm a nerd..how'd you know?
Shut yo ol wanksta ass up, like I said live a lil mo'
Get yourself to grow
then come step to me, cause right now your style is so low
Lower than a four flat tires
Having rhyme like mine is what your heart truly desires
Alright Ima make this clean cut
Short and to the point, directed staright at your gut
Created to make you strut
like a real down ass lady
My pride...bitch what you dont know is I aint got no pride
raised staright by demonic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Psychopath worldwide
You hanging me?...ma dude...I been hanging
From the tighest rope, you cant kill me I'm dead, dont you hear my chains clanging
I'm the ghost of the whole fucking year
I'll yank you from your feet and instantly make you disappear
Why you think I put ma' nigga Kruger in this
You no longer exist
A 4th of an atomic speck
Your creation has been reversed after I put yo' hoe ass on check
grabbed you by the neck
And pounded a million shells feed by my tech
Then trew off to outerspace with them niggas 4rm Star Trek
Your psyche is a wreck
Your brain cells are dead
My virus through your veins it has spread
Now listen homie
Like Jimmy Smith dont try to diss me
cause you got shit to say against me!
First off all....I'm a nerd..how'd you know?
Shut yo ol wanksta ass up, like I said live a lil mo'
Get yourself to grow
then come step to me, cause right now your style is so low
Lower than a four flat tires
Having rhyme like mine is what your heart truly desires
Alright Ima make this clean cut
Short and to the point, directed staright at your gut
Created to make you strut
like a real down ass lady
My pride...bitch what you dont know is I aint got no pride
raised staright by demonic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Psychopath worldwide
You hanging me?...ma dude...I been hanging
From the tighest rope, you cant kill me I'm dead, dont you hear my chains clanging
I'm the ghost of the whole fucking year
I'll yank you from your feet and instantly make you disappear
Why you think I put ma' nigga Kruger in this
You no longer exist
A 4th of an atomic speck
Your creation has been reversed after I put yo' hoe ass on check
grabbed you by the neck
And pounded a million shells feed by my tech
Then trew off to outerspace with them niggas 4rm Star Trek
Your psyche is a wreck
Your brain cells are dead
My virus through your veins it has spread
Now listen homie
Like Jimmy Smith dont try to diss me
cause you got shit to say against me!

Ok...I'm battling a nigga that thinks he's dead,
he calls himsef names, and repeats everthing i said,
my words punctured his head so his brain cells fled.
Stop rappin, your embarrasing your self
I'm not giving up i'm moving on to someone els.
Who won?? Let the crowd decide
Either way i'm keeping my Brown Pride inside.

, Lil Poet
calm down all of you guys are good at ryhming anywaiz back 2 what this thread is really about i got my first tat yesterday its cute

every1 cool....lol....thats just how battling goes....thats the point of battling being able 2 diss some1 with out ending up with any hard feelings 4rm both sides....neta?? what u get??....I'm getting another 1 soon
i want a shitload...LOL....

Trust me, you don't. I have "a shitload" and while I thought I was hot shit public enemy #1, it was cool. What isn't cool is the harrassment you get from authorities. The negative attention that goes with it. For some reason people think they can just up and fucking touch you for having them. And they are not up for discussion with random strangers. I got my shit for me and not for everyone else. What it means or what it is about is either for those in the know or myself. That's it.

Workwise, I am lucky. I don't need to play dress up unless it is something big. If that is the case then I have to get long sleeves and make sure the collars are tall enough. If that had to be everyday of my life, I be pissed.

Don't get me wrong, I will never remover what I have, or feel ashamed of my past. I am just not so much "there" anymore.

If you are going to get covered, shell out the cash and get a reputable artist. Go for bigger pieces rather than smaller and avoid getting writing at all cost. Getting words on you looks dumb after a while. If you are going to get writing, no more than two pieces. There are people out there that look like walking newspapers. Again go for bigger planned out shit. Don't get a piece here and a piece there and some other little pieces to make it all fit later. Think it out. Cheaper does not mean better, shop around. Especially on the west coast where there are a ton of reputable artists to go to.
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