Legendary Poster
:d I Got An Angel On My Chest Next To My South Central L.a. Tat!! I Fuking Love That Placa
that be cool
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SignUp Now!:d I Got An Angel On My Chest Next To My South Central L.a. Tat!! I Fuking Love That Placa
Tats on a hina are alright, as long as they're tasteful, But shit it should be a crime 2 tat a tit. Serio. Piercings are ok, but that i don't wanna taste ****l when i'm sucking your nipples mijas. Just so u know.
si , si tiene pero note puedo desiryeah........that hoe looks clean.........what does it stand for like does it have a meaning to you????
si , si tiene pero note puedo desir![]()
I was just wondering what do yall guys perfer for a gal to have a tatt or a Piercing??!?! & what do You gurls think when a guy is all tatted up do you think it is sexy what are your opinions on this?!?
ithink its kuhtee whenn a hynna(quhrl]has a peircinqq andd ohr tatt buhh yuh qottah; fihnd watt l00ks;xz beehhteer ! l0l!&; a quhhyy alwayhs l00ks sexii withh tatts buhh too mahnny ihs too much!
truth dont hate..[no] whats up bro ?I don't like tatt's or piercings. Most times it makes a woman look cheap and a guy look like a convict... so if that's the look you want- then go for it!