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SignUp Now!yeah right, more proof why we need to keep ILLEGALS out. Legal immigration-yes. illegal immigration-no!
yeah right, more proof why we need to keep ILLEGALS out. Legal immigration-yes. illegal immigration-no!
what fuckery is this?... ^^ That post seems very GEneric.First of person is illegal...Undocumented yes..but not illegal..Its ignorant to say that shit..
yes there is such a thing as an illegal alien
There's a lot of propaganda thrown out in the mainstream media by our government......that does not mean you gotta eat that shit..chew on it before you
swallow PEOPLE! geezus...and if you have not been in those peoples shoes..really Your opinion counts for shit....
Do you have to have raped a woman to know it's wrong? Do you have to have molested a child to know it's wrong?
yes there is such a thing as an illegal alien
Do you have to have raped a woman to know it's wrong? Do you have to have molested a child to know it's wrong?
How can you even compare a rapist and a child molester to a regular hardworking family trying to sustain themselves..because thats the type of Undocumented people Im talking about..NOt the crimminal ones who kill and have blatant disrespect for other peoples lives...?..I mean what percentage of "illegal aliens" are of this type you provided in your link?..Can you provide...numbers or..statistics..
Did you even click on the links?..or read the article?
Yes almost all in the US government are traitors and don't even try to hide it anymore, and the Americans they're screwing over just sit and watch dust bunnies or whatever.
HEres an excerpt from the nytimes..article..
Yes, IMO most all in Washington are the worst kinds of traitors, and now they don't even try to hide it anymore. Still the Americans people sit on our asses and watch dust bunnies or American Idol/same thing.
which pretty much sums up my view on the Government...
"The federal government's policy of opposing illegal immigration while refusing to enforce laws against hiring illegal immigrants has had huge costs. It has exacerbated popular distrust of the federal government (as indeed it should have). It has also increased hostility to foreigners, especially Mexicans, who are all suspected of having entered the country illegally. To many Americans Washington's failure to control illegal immigration, like its failure to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, is just another example of how out of touch, duplicitous, and incompetent federal officials really are. In the short run such views are good for Republicans who want to discredit government and cut federal spending. In the long run, however, extreme distrust of government also precludes sensible policies that even conservatives should favor."
If you dont like the links I provided heres one more to your liking...
Yes the US government is full of traitors and they don't even try to hide it anymore, and the US people sit around and watch dust bunnies for the most part.
Their called Armchair activists..just sit around watch the news, stupid senseless shows on mainstream media.. and complain about every single little thing and talk ignorant they know what its like or something...![]()
[lmao]ArMChAiR activists...they're from the DeVil-ouweeee los cukkkcuiiesss!
armchair activists thats so hilarious.....was that inflamatory term on CNN? [lmao][lmao][lmao]
[lmao]ArMChAiR activists...they're from the DeVil-ouweeee los cukkkcuiiesss!
armchair activists thats so hilarious.....was that inflamatory term on CNN? [lmao][lmao][lmao]
Who is it that's from the devil?
I wouldn't know if it was on CNN. I'm not much into zombie media..I heard it on another forum where the same kinda rhetoric..crap was going around in circles..really like in this being said...was it really necessary to make the post 10" in font and bolded orange?..[crazy] Lay of the crack lady...
YOu lost me @ Who.............
Rose how many times are you gonna change your avy? I liked the other one looked like a hippy..![]()
I wouldn't know if it was on CNN. I'm not much into zombie media..I heard it on another forum where the same kinda rhetoric..crap was going around in circles..really like in this being said...was it really necessary to make the post 10" in font and bolded orange?..[crazy] Lay of the crack lady...
YOu lost me @ Who.............
Rose how many times are you gonna change your avy? I liked the other one looked like a hippy..![]()
lol my friend's call me hippie because I often wear 70s vintage clothes. I like to experiment with the pics/avi. Sometimes they look OK til they are the small avi and I don't like them so much as I thought I would.
Anyway... my question was to 4oldndns. I didn't know who was the devil to her. The "armchair activists"?
guess i cleared that