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Tim Wise-The Pathology of White Privilege

This guy certainly speaks the truth. Wish more ppl would see the truth and stop being in denial, like he specificately puts it. If only ppl wouldnt be so blinded by power, they think they deserve, and ingnorance, this country wouldnt be in such a mess and filled with discrimination towards others like it is today.
So funny coming from someone who supports illegal aliens invading the Unites States to suck America's breasts dry- how rich! lol

U havent even seen the video huh?
Or the rest of his videos for that matter i bet.

So until u do, kp ure ignorance to ureself.
^ Exactly, rich white men have been practicing affirmative action for many centuries now by getting their children back door passes into the top universities and assuming the roles of leaders although they are unqualified to lead
^ Exactly, rich white men have been practicing affirmative action for many centuries now by getting their children back door passes into the top universities and assuming the roles of leaders although they are unqualified to lead

So who do you care more for? Your family and hispanics or Americans?
A Hispanic can be an American.

His?pan?ic (hĭ-spān'ĭk)


Of or relating to Spain or Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture.



A Spanish-speaking person.

A U.S. citizen or resident of Latin-American or Spanish descent.
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