Just as greedy NeoCons in foreign countries have robbed taxpayers and turned their homelands into 3rd World countries, greedy NeoCons in the U.S. have also done the same thing by ripping of U.S. taxpayers and gradually turning the U.S. into a 3rd World country:
These are very similar to the pictures of Detroit. Wouldn't be surprise if they were. The truth is that the city of Detroit is 80% Negro. And thats why the city looks like shit. That and the fact that there are a lot of Unions too. ANyways Negros don't create anything. they just destroy. For example in Detroit the Negros have a night called Devils night where they burn hundreds of houses. They are starting to do these in other cities they move into. Then idiots like you sitll blame republicans. You're so misinformed.
LA is starting to look like Shit too. Are you going to blame Neo Cons for that too? Fuckin idiot.