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Who's hot?????????

y he get so ofended if he IS ugly?
that messed up...i mean i accept my friends whether they be ugly or fine
they still my friends
but if htey think they hot in a special way
im not gonna take their self esteem down
just my opinon
yeah um i sed somthin bout his mommi
i sed she was dog
so im enitiled to my opinion i dnt have to think everyone is hot
i no im not all that fine but i dnt care just accept it geezzz
aight well whatver I said my bad....I just aint like u calling my mom a dog...but its all good....critizing words should neva' budge a nigga...like i said my bad aight...1 Love
oh how sweet!!!
he apologized
seems like he a gentleman
nah neither do i but i was mad and had to say somthing
thanx for the apology i am sorry to fo being mean to u and expressing my opinion in a way that was far frm nice sorry
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