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why this cracka hates mexicans

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Dark Mexican

Legendary Poster
why i hate mexicans

To start off Mexicans are like wolves. They travel in packs. Rarely is it seen that a mexican walks alone without of his buddies walking around him. If so they're usually hiding in the bushes or some random tree waiting for someone to say something about mexicans to drop down and assault them with high paced spanish like they're better then you because they can talk fast in a foreign language. You insult one mexican kid to his face and suddenly 9 more of his buddies pop out waiting to take you on 10-1. Like thats fair or awsome. You could be talking to your buddy and some mexican all teh way across the noisiest lunch room ever could hear you and come over all "'Ey i heard you dissin' us essay, you wanna fight?" and as soon as one mexican says fight 12 others hop up all "Yeah what then essay lets fight yo" and it's like.. "Wtf.. get the hell out of here you damn beaners. i was never talkign to you and it's not like you're makin' your buddy look tough by standing up and making it a 10-1. in fact you're probabl making the other guy look good."
Anyways. They go off into spanish on some parts, on purpose sometimes I think, and confuse you or think they're better and laugh at you because you don't know spanish and you live in America. "yeh essay.. , lets fight theeeen." and they'll make fun of you like you know what they said and all their buddies will be like "ohhh" or laugh at you and it's like "Wtf if you want to make fun of someone and be a man about it say it in a language everyone understands you low life retard."
Mexicans tend to call themselves gangs or stuff like that and pretend like they're a new type of black person. Like they came from an Asian ghetto or something and it's like "Uhm no you don't come from a gheto you come from a house that roofs probably a family of 12 and that's just direct family, and your Dad probably works his ass off for your ass to go to school and the fact that you think you're a new type of black person or soemthing has nothing to do with how you live." See black people at one time did coem from ghettos and such and they did have life hard and had to live like that.(oh and to the rest of those black people who didn't and act that way.. yeah clue in and learn to spell properly) I can guarantee that about 90% of the people who act like this never have. and then they think that because they act all tough and shit that they're better then you. "Ohh but luke I speak a foreign language that sounds retarded and I'm ghetto" Hell no. You're retarded is what you are. Go to school and actually listen for once in your life. Who knows you might learn somethign in the 5 seconds you don't fall asleep or txt message you buddy about the chick's ass you've been chechin' out.
First off you come from mexico. Your family does, you more then likely did and you use mexican as you primary language. Learn english and stop being retarded. Secondly i can see being "tough" might be a way of fitting in but you jsut look retarded to me and if you dar etake me on 1v1 i would smoke you with a quick kidney punch and teach you that if you're not in your country learn that you need to talk to them in their language if you want to diss them like they know what you're saying.
Mexicans also like to get in their groups to annoy you. Like today i went to get cookies and 7, yes exactly 7, mexicans were standing talking in line. How many do you think actually bought cookies? Guess 2? You're wrong! 1. So they hold up the rest of us for no apparently reason becaus ethey had to talk to their buddie and couldn't wait one minute for him. What could be so important? the mexican girls ass? Hell if i care about some ugly ass mexican bitch's ass, get the hell out of my line and go sit at your table thats 5 feet from the line.. Jesus how hard is that.

In conclusion, I'd like to say the following to sum up the above:
Get the nerve to stand up for yourself by yourself.
Learn english and stop butchering it like you didn't have the chance to actually learn it.
Stop talking to me in retarded spanish like i understand you, you dumbass.
You just look plain out ugly with very few exceptions in your females.
You're not from a ghetto and didn't have a hard life growing up. so stop trying to be black.
I'm sure that ugly ass mexican girl's ass is going to be there in 5 minutes so you can wait at your damn table instead of holding me up like i'm actually in line.
Get a life, learn what responcibilities are, and get away from me.
You all sicken me and I hate every last one of you who fit this profile in any way with a firey passion of hell.
umm that was idiotic...i'm sure people look at this and laugh like i'm doing now...
LOL@ the new type of black tho....it was quite funny i admit....hes a fool..they dont have better ammos to combat but that piece of load of crap that was written that i ain't even read all of it....it's a mess ..like just albinisim.
Lol This Nigga Sounds Like He Mad Coz Nobody Likes Him At School That's Why He Has Nobody To Back Him Up..lol FUKin Pussie Ass Nigguh
Like they came from an Asian ghetto or something and it's like "Uhm no you don't come from a gheto you come from a house that roofs probably a family of 12 and that's just direct family, and your Dad probably works his ass off for your ass to go to school and the fact that you think you're a new type of black person or soemthing has nothing to do with how you live." See black people at one time did coem from ghettos and such and they did have life hard and had to live like that.(oh and to the rest of those black people who didn't and act that way.. yeah clue in and learn to spell properly) I can

Motha****a sounds SOOOOOOOO Moronic on this part...that cracker just contradicted himself...FUKIN IDIOT ..i can't the idiocy of these crackers!

lol@ him tellin us what the ghetto is like how hard blacks had it..now let's say..it was black ppl that beat him up...now that changes everything..white ppl are a constant contracdition..****in crackers
I smell Columbine. Keep that lonely ass fool away from the sporting goods section of Wal-Mart. I bet he cries himself to sleep every night. Pobre. He needs to watch Napoleon Dynamite. Pedro for pres.
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