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why this cracka hates mexicans

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No no no....you have it all wrong. The reason immigrants are coming in the millions is that their countries are shit holes and they want what we have- period. We are the most powerful and prosperous nation on the planet- period.

Let's face it. A huge chunk of the countries in the world would be screwed without U.S. aide. You can dispute that all day long but you know as well as I do that it's true. Who has to step in everytime there's an earth quake or a tsunami?
Oh, and BTW you mentioned growing up in England. I assume that you enjoyed seeing the Union Jack flying on the flag pole rather than a swatstika. Who was it that saved Europe's ass from that nasty invasion back then? Let's see....thinking really hard....who was that again?????

If America is so good at giving aide to other countries when they have natural disasters, then can you explain why New Orleans was such a mess. Did you know our government actually had to accept aide from Mexico after Katrina? Just look it up if you don't believe me. America is a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but we are far from utopia.
If America is so good at giving aide to other countries when they have natural disasters, then can you explain why New Orleans was such a mess. Did you know our government actually had to accept aide from Mexico after Katrina? Just look it up if you don't believe me. America is a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but we are far from utopia.

Wait a second....didn't I see this in your signature:

"As long as I am referred to as an "illegal" or an "Alien", I will refer to the white man as a "gringo"."

So WTF do you mean "our" government?

"We" are far from Utopia?? Who is this "we" that you speak of?
Wait a second....didn't I see this in your signature:

"As long as I am referred to as an "illegal" or an "Alien", I will refer to the white man as a "gringo"."

So WTF do you mean "our" government?

"We" are far from Utopia?? Who is this "we" that you speak of?
If America is so good at giving aide to other countries when they have natural disasters, then can you explain why New Orleans was such a mess. Did you know our government actually had to accept aide from Mexico after Katrina? Just look it up if you don't believe me. America is a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but we are far from utopia.
I think Godruigez was born here.
I am American. My roots run deep on this continent. I pay taxes to the American government. That's what I mean by "We". It is a shame that the richest country this world has ever seen can't even take care of it's own citizens when a crisis arises. I think it might have something to do with the majority population in New Orleans being black. I know a lot about New Orleans, I used to live there. Everyone there knew this was bound to happen, especially the government, yet they failed to help the poor people who could not evacuate.
The reason I say, " As long as I am referred to as an "illegal" or an "Alien", I will refer to the white man as a "gringo", is because I have a lot of family that are Mexican. I take it personally when someone calls my familia out of their name.
europe has better benifits the only reason mexicans are entering america in high numbers is because that is the closet country. if europe was next to america we would have loads of mexicans also.

Interesting point. Please explain why we have illegal immigrants from European nations living in the U.S. if Europe is such a better place to live.
I am American. My roots run deep on this continent. I pay taxes to the American government. That's what I mean by "We". It is a shame that the richest country this world has ever seen can't even take care of it's own citizens when a crisis arises. I think it might have something to do with the majority population in New Orleans being black. I know a lot about New Orleans, I used to live there. Everyone there knew this was bound to happen, especially the government, yet they failed to help the poor people who could not evacuate.
Your AMERICAN:eek:
The reason I say, " As long as I am referred to as an "illegal" or an "Alien", I will refer to the white man as a "gringo", is because I have a lot of family that are Mexican. I take it personally when someone calls my familia out of their name.

Do you have family that are Mexicans or do you have family that are illegal aliens? There's a big difference. If you do have family that entered the country illegally then WTF can you say when someone refers to them as "illegal aliens"? I guess you would prefer "undocumented"???
Do you have family that are Mexicans or do you have family that are illegal aliens? There's a big difference. If you do have family that entered the country illegally then WTF can you say when someone refers to them as "illegal aliens"? I guess you would prefer "undocumented"???
Call them what you want Wrong Wing. I bet you won't do it to their face. It's easy for you to be tough on immigration behind closed doors and on the internet. If you really don't like us here, do something about it. You sound very passionate about the issue. Do you like tacos? Do you like your room clean when you go to a hotel? What about your house? How much did you pay for that Mexican built home of yours?
Call them what you want Wrong Wing. I bet you won't do it to their face. It's easy for you to be tough on immigration behind closed doors and on the internet. If you really don't like us here, do something about it. You sound very passionate about the issue. [violent]
Call them what you want Wrong Wing. I bet you won't do it to their face. It's easy for you to be tough on immigration behind closed doors and on the internet. If you really don't like us here, do something about it. You sound very passionate about the issue. Do you like tacos? Do you like your room clean when you go to a hotel? What about your house? How much did you pay for that Mexican built home of yours?

I say it to their faces every day. We have a huge illegal Brazilian population here in my town. I'd be more than happy to say it to your face as well.

Yes, I am passionate about the issue. I'm tired of people invading this country and dragging down our society. Illegal aliens are a huge detriment to our school systems, our medical resources, and the tax paying public in general. A study that I recently read cited that illegal aliens cost the U.S. taxpayers 10 billion in 2005.

But oh, my.....how would we ever clean those hotel rooms without them??......such a great contribution to society could never be adequately measured.

Gee, maybe we could afford a few more bucks to pay that chamber maid if we didn't have to shell out 10 billion in '05 because people from other nations decided that they didn't like the standard of living in their homeland and decided to come here because it's much better.

My house was actually built by an Italian gent named Campanelli.
You sound like a nice guy. Telling your neighbors to get out of "your" country. It doesn't matter what you say or do. We ain't going no where. Just drink a Corona, eat a taco and relax. You might end up making a Mexican friend someday. Or maybe your daughter will marry one. haha
You sound like a nice guy. Telling your neighbors to get out of "your" country. It doesn't matter what you say or do. We ain't going no where. Just drink a Corona, eat a taco and relax. You might end up making a Mexican friend someday. Or maybe your daughter will marry one. haha
Sounds like your breaking it down like a sawdoff shotgun bro.
I say it to their faces every day. We have a huge illegal Brazilian population here in my town. I'd be more than happy to say it to your face as well.

Yes, I am passionate about the issue. I'm tired of people invading this country and dragging down our society. Illegal aliens are a huge detriment to our school systems, our medical resources, and the tax paying public in general. A study that I recently read cited that illegal aliens cost the U.S. taxpayers 10 billion in 2005.

But oh, my.....how would we ever clean those hotel rooms without them??......such a great contribution to society could never be adequately measured.

Gee, maybe we could afford a few more bucks to pay that chamber maid if we didn't have to shell out 10 billion in '05 because people from other nations decided that they didn't like the standard of living in their homeland and decided to come here because it's much better.

My house was actually built by an Italian gent named Campanelli.
Seems your just talking sh.. now Right Wing whats up with that?keep your cool
You sound like a nice guy. Telling your neighbors to get out of "your" country. It doesn't matter what you say or do. We ain't going no where. Just drink a Corona, eat a taco and relax. You might end up making a Mexican friend someday. Or maybe your daughter will marry one. haha

Telling my neighbors to get out of my country??

Sure, if my neighbors are illegal aliens I will do just that.

ICE is conducting more and more raids all the time.

There's lots of talk about severe penalties for employing illegals.

No jobs and more raids= adios, amigos

I'm not so sure about that "we aint going nowhere thing"........

BTW: I have friends that are Brazilian. It's not about race- it's about following the law and contributing to society.

I don't care what race you are...if you sneak over the border, put your kids in school without paying taxes, use the emergency room as your primary doctor and not pay the bill, drive with no license and insurance....you are an illegal alien and a detriment to our society
Let's make this simple. Can you tell me how you intend to keep the "little brown invaders" out of your country?
Did you know that you cant even keep them out of your own bedrooms. Have you ever heard of a man named George P. Bush?
We have not only "invaded" your country , but it seems that we have invaded your American Elite gene pool.
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