What is a Whitexican?

What is a Whitexican?

Whitexican is a term used to describe people who are racially white but culturally Mexican, usually referring to those whose families have lived in Mexico for generations but who do not appear ethnically Mexican according to traditional standards. Many people argue that Whitexicans use this term as an attempt to erase their whiteness and position themselves as part of the dominant class within Mexican society without facing any repercussions for their privilege. In other words, they are trying to take advantage of the benefits associated with being white while still claiming an ethnic identity that allows them access into certain circles within Mexican society that would otherwise be closed off due to racism and discrimination against non-white ethnicities.

Recently, some have argued that white Mexicans are actively trying to preserve Mexico’s old caste system in order to preserve their privileged status. Moreover, it has been reported that nearly half (49%) of all Mexicans believe there is an “invisible wall” separating whites from non-whites in Mexico today—a testament to how deeply entrenched these outdated beliefs remain in modern day society.

Ultimately though it must be said that it is up each individual person how they choose identify themselves, and no one should be judged for doing so, as long as they recognize their privilege when engaging in discussions about racial equality and social justice issues related thereto. It will be interesting to see how this debate evolves over time as more people become aware of what it means to identify as a Whitexican in modern day Mexico.

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