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fuck the white power bitch
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Read statistics? Of course it was about slavery--the Civil War was about slavery. Or maybe the Southerners didn't like Lincoln's "B.S." Certainly, slavery wasn't the only reason, but the wealthy have a knack for motivating the masses to their cause--it's been done time and time again, and it was done in the case of Texas. But your adept apologist tactics aren't going unnoticed.Read statistics. Texas had very few slaves from 1846-1865. They did fight in the Confederacy, but it certainly wasn't all about slavery- in fact very little of it was- if you read the truth of it and not what's in public school history books. Far than 10% of Southerners had slaves, and even less Texans. Texans didn't like a lot of Santa Ana's BS. All those people wouldn't have fought so that a few could have slaves. Slaves were for the wealthy who wanted to become more wealthy. Other parts of Mexico tried to cecede at the same time but weren't successful. My family has traced many lines of family in genealogy who lived in the Southern US from the late 1600s on and have found no evidence of any of them owning slaves.
Read statistics? Of course it was about slavery--the Civil War was about slavery. Or maybe the Southerners didn't like Lincoln's "B.S." Certainly, slavery wasn't the only reason, but the wealthy have a knack for motivating the masses to their cause--it's been done time and time again, and it was done in the case of Texas. But your adept apologist tactics aren't going unnoticed.
It had to do with tarriffs and trade more than anything. I have diarys and journals of a number of people who lived back then. Slaves had already stopped being brought over here. It was an Institution that was already dying out. More and more regular people with large families were owning their own smaller plots of land and growing cotton without slaves. Big plantation owners with slaves were not good for the main smaller farmers finances. I have a diary of an ancestor who was an Abolitionist and in the 1850s she wrote that there seemed to be much more sympathy in the South toward the Abolitionists and less people seemed to care if Blacks left the plantation owners. She wrote that she believed at that time if the people were not afraid of the upheaval and violence caused by releasing slaves they would tend to be more in favor of it than not. Lincoln seems as if he was intent on war. He didn't try any other avenues with the asshole slave owners. I'm not an apologist. I don't have anything to apologize for.
The Emancipation Proclamation didn't happen until two years after the Civil War started. Lincoln wanted to send the Blacks out of the country. Some people in the North wanted them to stay so they would be cheap wage workers- not quite slaves but close- kind of like foreigners are treated today,.
hmmm, lets see...
Foreigners Today-
then they can stay the fuck in their own homeland... they don't like it here... FUCK THEM... get the fuck out.
hmmm, lets see...
Foreigners Today-
You have got to be kidding me. Of course, the Civil War was about slavery. Were there other reasons? Sure ,but the central issue was slavery.It had to do with tarriffs and trade more than anything. I have diarys and journals of a number of people who lived back then. Slaves had already stopped being brought over here. It was an Institution that was already dying out. More and more regular people with large families were owning their own smaller plots of land and growing cotton without slaves. Big plantation owners with slaves were not good for the main smaller farmers finances. I have a diary of an ancestor who was an Abolitionist and in the 1850s she wrote that there seemed to be much more sympathy in the South toward the Abolitionists and less people seemed to care if Blacks left the plantation owners. She wrote that she believed at that time if the people were not afraid of the upheaval and violence caused by releasing slaves they would tend to be more in favor of it than not. Lincoln seems as if he was intent on war. He didn't try any other avenues with the asshole slave owners. I'm not an apologist. I don't have anything to apologize for.
The Emancipation Proclamation didn't happen until two years after the Civil War started. Lincoln wanted to send the Blacks out of the country. Some people in the North wanted them to stay so they would be cheap wage workers- not quite slaves but close- kind of like foreigners are treated today,.
You have got to be kidding me. Of course, the Civil War was about slavery. Were there other reasons? Sure ,but the central issue was slavery.
Lincoln seemed intent on war? Why would you say that?
BTW, look up the word "apologist."
If the truth be told, some people are worried that Mexico and Mexicans will do what "Americans" did in Texas. Many Anglos came in legally and illegally in the 1820s and 1830s and when the Mexican government started to assert its power (enforce immigration and anti-slavery laws) the Anglo majority started to seriously move towards succession, a fancy word for stealing Mexican property.