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Russian President: Obama a 'thinker... unlike other people'

its like there is no middle ground in here...Obama is great or or Obama is bad....Bush is bad...well maybe Bush had some middle ground. It's all too funny...both sides bitch the same and the most vocal ones are the one who are way out there on the right or left
do we really need to tip toe around the fact that bush was a thinker?

Didja hear, that Russian guy says Obama's a thinker.
haha we all thinkers....some of us are just a little slower than others
what do you suppose medvedev meant by that?

Funny, though the knuckle dragging mouth breathers thinks this is something to be ridiculed, demeaned and made fun of. It amazes me that they get their jollies making fun of Obama being educated. They think that's a flaw.

Instead they praise, reading from the palm of your hand, "you betcha", "wink, wink" and a bunch of buzz words strung together that make no sense at all. They, in general, adore, bat shit craziness (apologies to bats and their shit). Any and all criticism of any democrat,especially Obama. Whether it's true or not, hypocritical, or just plain stupid it doesn't matter. All that matters is you disagree and occasionally try for a zinger.

All you need to do is say "patriots", "freedom loving" "God", "guns" in some random order and your their hero. WTF?!?!? Seriously, I don't get it. [crazy]
Obama is definitely more intelligent than NeoCons such as Bush, Cheney, McCain and Palin combined

President Obama thinks about things before he decides on a course of action, even if I don't always agree with his actions, at least I know he's thought it through, and talked to other "thinkers" before he makes a decision. He doesn't go off half cocked like some people.

he'sa thinker.
In other words... I got what I wanted out of BO, but not from Bush.


" 'Nuclear weapons are for Russian people now much more important than decades ago,' Arbatov said. "They are more important than during the Cold War times as a pillar of national security."

Moscow just published its own defense doctrine, and it reserves the use of tactical or strategic nuclear weapons if the very existence of Russia is threatened. This reveals one of the great paradoxes of nuclear weapons, Perkovich says.

"In a world where you take away everybody else's nuclear weapons and also the U.S. nuclear weapons, the U.S. would have this great advantage in conventional military capability," he said.

Russian leaders look at the U.S. advantage in advanced military technology, and they see nuclear weapons as the great equalizer.


Right... there's a smart one. sharp and pays attention too.

But hey, that's just my opinion... Oh wait no it's the experts too.
Number one I'm steve doocy. Lol. You can't even get that right. It's called backing up what you say with facts. What do you have against facts? What do you have against being proven wrong?

If without nukes we are in the better position how exactly does it give the Russians what they want? ROR!!!!!

Now go log out and log back in to defend yourself.

I'll save you the time. It doesn't. See nuclear weapons are called the great equalizer currently because of how they level the playing field for others. In everything else we run roughshod over everyone. If we had a real war where we do what we have to do without nukes... we win. Obviously you never were in the military because you would know this unless you were cleaning latrines for four years.
Number one I'm steve doocy. LOL. You can't even get that right. It's called backing up what you say with facts. What do you have against facts? What do you have against being proven wrong?

If without nukes we are in the better position how exactly does it give the Russians what they want? ROR!!!!!

Now go log out and log back in to defend yourself.

I'll save you the time. It doesn't. See nuclear weapons are called the great equalizer currently because of how they level the playing field for others. In everything else we run roughshod over everyone. If we had a real war where we do what we have to do without nukes... we win. Obviously you never were in the military because you would know this unless you were cleaning latrines for four years.

You think the USA is in a better position w/o nukes? SAY WHAT? Sure and Alex Rodriguez is in a better position when he chooses to step into the batters box without his bat. You are an idiot.
Yes I was in the military.
So now run along in your world of make believe where you are steve doocey from fox (why would anyone wanna pretend to be that nerd anyway?) and go drag up all those zero response posts you made as grape ape and be the only one to respond to them- good boy!
Very interesting interview. Not only did he say that Obama is a thinker, but also that he respects and listens to other speakers. Despite what some in our country think, the way to peace is through partnering with Russia, not seeing it as an enemy.

As in the words of Albert Einstein . In the first world war the people will fight with primitive weapons . In the second world war the people will fight with modern weapons . He didn't know what would happen in the 3rd world war but in the 4th world war people would hight with stones and sticks .
You think the USA is in a better position w/o nukes? SAY WHAT? Sure and Alex Rodriguez is in a better position when he chooses to step into the batters box without his bat. You are an idiot.
Yes I was in the military.
So now run along in your world of make believe where you are steve doocey from fox (why would anyone wanna pretend to be that nerd anyway?) and go drag up all those zero response posts you made as grape ape and be the only one to respond to them- good boy!

I feel if no one else has nukes yeah. Absolutely. As long as we maintain our relationships with our allies and don't lame them up like Dubya absolutely.

I noticed the entirety of your argument against mine had to di with your feelings of strong emotion about myself and Grape Ape. What can I say other than... that's just not the subject man. Can't you offer up anything worth commenting on? I read in the other post on nukes you claim a military record. So why is it that all you have to offer is regarding an emotional response about two members of this website? It would seem you should actually have somewhat of an educated response. Well where is it?

Being as we completely outspend everyone else by leaps and bounds if there were no nukes we would assuredly have hardly any worries.

Here are some pictures which may help you to understand -



Facts can help reveal the real truth to be told.
I feel if no one else has nukes yeah. Absolutely. As long as we maintain our relationships with our allies and don't lame them up like Dubya absolutely.


OK, say hi to the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and everyone else in Fantasy Land for me! [wavey]
That is your response? You have a military education and Easter Bunnies are the best you can come up with? Don't you have an opinion based on something other than the bottle of Jack you have hidden under the desk?

It is to our benefit to reduce the nuclear weapons around the world based on our superior strength and to the detriment of Russians. It is an equalizer for them and remember we had that first too. Hopefully you have something adult to contribute.
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