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  1. N

    ouch! dats gotta hurt!

  2. N

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    "dey cant deport us all" keep dat in mind pendejos
  3. N

    alacranes or aliados

    which is better? alacranes musical or aliados de la sierra
  4. N

    N0 matt3r wut g03s d0wn

    ur ma sister das rite n i'll alwayz have ur back..fuck i just dnt understand why u treatin me like dat? U scratchin me like a freakin cat do u want me to punch back? I dnt think u would like it, u would start to cry. I dont wanna hurt yu but if u do it one more time mija i wont care i'll just...
  5. N

    el mono y el pajaro

  6. N

    GanGSt3rS g3T Lon3Ly T00...

    iYe-gFGUMmI WuT Do yOu tHiNk?
  7. N

    wut would u do in my case?

    me n vato r keepin it strong coz i wanna b con el n he wanna be conmigo but just yesterday ma mom found out dat am talkin to him( since dey took ma celly away i gotta use da house's fone) n she told me alot shiit bout him. also said she would call da police on him. i truly dnt get it. wus...
  8. N

    who da baddest bitch...

    mz lady pinks mz sancha mz krazie
  9. N

    wut a shiity day

    :( damz....just wantin 2 kno how wus ur dia people.
  10. N

    check dis out

    am confused. i got a vato pero everyday it gets worst between us 2! n am sick n tired of him. pero just yesterday after our fight he kinda opened to me a bit more n told me he hated me pero loved me too. n all he wanted to do wus love me n das it. pero on monday i met dis other vato. n we had...
  11. N

    2-faced boy/gurlfriends

    iight ppl. so i wanted to kno how many of yu have or ever had a 2 face boy/gurlfriend. and damz i got maself one i mean i dnt wanna talk bad bout him coz he is so sweet cuando he's wit me...pero wen we talk by da phone he's another guy dat i dnt even kno:confused: i hate it coz wen he wit...
  12. N

    you pinche culero

    dis one's for dis one pinche culero dat got me so fuckin pissed yea yu kno who yu be. pinche culero hablas pendejadas mejor deja la mierda que no saves nada te crees tan chingon you pinche cabron oye wey ya ni la chingas la neta no me importa lo ke tu digas esto es para decirte que...
  13. N

    wut shuld i do...?

    ok guyz diz time i need ur help. at dis point im relli tired and sumtimes i feel like runnin away. im datin diz vato for half a year now, pero i still cant get him at all. i cant even say i kno him. see here's da thing. i relli do love him. n he has taken alot of ma shit like i have taken...
  14. N

    hermosa como una rosa

    3r3s como una rosa h3rmosa pero con 3spinaz y si t3 tocan lastimaz "for all those pretty hynas dat love to play n hurt"-dr3am3r posted by: me written by: dreamer
  15. N

    is dis call cheating?

    i got dis homie dat got dis gurlfriend. he say he likes her but he alwayz braggin bout leavin her and stuff. den he has sex wit other different gurls. n he keeps on sayin dats not cheatin ....do yu think da same??? coz he just wont understand dat it is.
  16. N

    the truth hurtz

    you tell me dat yuh love me you tell me dat yuh care then how come everytime iwanna see yu, yu aint dere you kno dat i do love yu you kno dat yu ma all then how come when im flyin yu just let me fall i kno dat yu dnt care den why am i still here what would yu do if i just left n dissapear why...
  17. N

    h0y 3n d!a

    mi nina bonita reina de mi corazon hoy te vaz de mi y me dejas sin razon deja darte un beso porque tengo una ilusion de que un dia rregreses y me des direccion ami pobre corazon me lo as partido en dos este es el ultimo momento donde yo escucho tu voz dices que no aguantas tu triste...
  18. N

    r3St iN PaZ

    YuH WuZ aLwAyZ DoWn fOr dA CLiKa NuThIn g3tTiN In yOUr WaY yUh wUs rUnNiN Da StR33tS uP TiL DiS DaY n3v3r sCaR3 Of nuThIN pRoUd oF WhO U B3 A CrAzY StR33T sOlDi3r NoW YuH R3St iN p3aC3 DaMz CaRnAl i hAT3 It HaT3 iT DaT yOuR GoN3 BuT ALL tH3 hOm3s sAiD dAt yOuR TiM3 WuS DOn3 I DnT AcC3pT dAt...

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