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college shooting

He had an issue with obesity? Have you seen pictures? He's not in the best shape ever, true, but he's not exactly obese either. His only problems were mental.

i never said anything about him being fat...dude had a problem with america, and took out his problems on these innocent people..he was prejudiced against all fat people. he thought americans we're all fat and ugly who eat Mcdonalds all day.

but all in all..the media has got me thinkin...they call this 'the bloodiest massacre in US history" i think that's an exxaguration..30 people killed is the biggest massacre?
lets put this shit in perspective, this isnt a tragedy - 160 MORE people died in Baghdad today... and thats an every other day thing... these 30 deaths shouldnt b any more important than those people's lives
my opinion teachers dont work hard enough to notice the problems they have right in front of them

Idk...thats a dangerous slope...who knows how many people would get caught up in a random dragnet if teachers could "do" something about those that they found disturbing...

VA-Tech things happen, bombings happen, shootings happen...they're tragic, but they are a part of our world that can't be eradicated
haha yeah maybe its dem like "O...G" that stuff up ur country
ya'll should go dickhead exterminating, get rid o them LOL

Durrrrrrrr.. you still look and sound like a retard.

I'll rather exterminate your kind withough thinking twice.

You want people have sympathy for these white kids?

What about sympathy to the victims the U.S has done harm too?


This just proves that you're one stupid moron.

Haven't died yet huh? ...Fuck!
what do you expect from someone who would type this...

"FUCK V-TECH STUDENTS, FUCK 9/11 victims. ROT IN PISS" OMexicanDisgraceG

Disgrace? Fag, you're another pussy white boy hiding behind a computer talking shit.

I at least have the fucking balls to express how I feel. If you don't like it, Get the fuck out of here. Go back to stormfront. Im sure they be saying worse shit than I do.
why you messin' with her fool


If she want's to bring this crap here.. then please bring shit up that the U.S has done to others.. She wants to talk about THE PAST.

Well bitch, V-TECH is the PAST as well. Confused lil mierda.
but all in all..the media has got me thinkin...they call this 'the bloodiest massacre in US history" i think that's an exxaguration..30 people killed is the biggest massacre?
lets put this shit in perspective, this isnt a tragedy - 160 MORE people died in Baghdad today... and thats an every other day thing... these 30 deaths shouldnt b any more important than those people's lives
December 29, 1890, 300 Lakota Sioux were massacred by the US Cavalry at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

I don't know, but I think this massacre is quite a bit worse. It was sanctioned by our government.
Disgrace? Fag, you're another pussy white boy hiding behind a computer talking shit.

I at least have the fucking balls to express how I feel. If you don't like it, Get the fuck out of here. Go back to stormfront. Im sure they be saying worse shit than I do.

nope...... u got it all wrong "OG" coz u be the one thats(^^^^) all that n more
Know what your problem is, u assume no one has sympathy for these people>>>

but you see we do and we have sympathy for others like the V tech students and 9/11 victims who did nothing to deserve what happened to them,(neither did the people pictured) but you have become just like the kind of peopple ur against( the tortures' and tormentors). Your a hypocrite instead of being like the tortured u rather torture others(your just like them). You think ur right when all you've done is stoop down to thier level^^^^^. now u are going to say: thats not you and im so wrong and u'll cal me even more names and that'll just prove me right.
i feel sorry for your type and i wish one day you'll be put in a situation that will humble ur soul and your stupid theories and walls that u put between yourself and other people (to prevent yourself from feeling like a normal human being) will come down. I dnt hold anythng against u because i know ur just confused narrowminded and lost.

All u need is help

oh and there are people helping who are white. race DOSENT define your ways of thinking . why dont U look up Dr hamlin she's white she works in etheopie to help women who have scarrs and emergemcies and need urgent medical treatment after being in labour to young.young as in 13 and younger. Look her up, then tell me all white people are no good. your just so ashamed of who U are u have to point out flaws in other people.
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Based on your views... I think you got a train pulled on you by illegal aliens. That's why you have so much hate. Note: All brown people are not Mexican, dumb fuck.
The only hateful person I see is you. Are you capable of having a rational discussion without resorting to profanity laced insults?
my opinion teachers dont work hard enough to notice the problems they have right in front of them

Teachers should help and inform parents but think of it this way teachers are teachers, they teach and parents are supposed to be the ones involved in their childrens live no matter how old they are. They are supposed to be the ones responsible for helping their child. a transformation into a psycho dosent happen over night this thing was brewing and some one should have done SOMETHING. So i think he was failed by a lot of people but still i think he is at fault there's no excuse for what he did.
Durrrrrrrr.. you still look and sound like a retard.

I'll rather exterminate your kind withough thinking twice.

You want people have sympathy for these white kids?

What about sympathy to the victims the U.S has done harm too?


This just proves that you're one stupid moron.

Haven't died yet huh? ...Fuck!

durrrr.... what? durrrr... people should exterminate ur kind
yeah i agree mofo

get over history geezz its history for gods sake
every race has been hard done by at some point in history
and its assholes like u that dwell on it an make this world a horrible place
im not saying dnt morn, hurt or pay respect but dnt take it out on future generations for what their race did. get angry at the individuals that take part and condone this shit OK? oh and that would mean everyone would have to take it out on U:mad:
calling other people racist when ur juss as bad and sometimes(naw wait most of the time) your worse.
yeah what angelita said..history should be kept in the past...but im saying it right now....anybody that brings it back will get blast
There we 32 victims, he killed himself, he is #33. I am in Virginia now and the most important thing I've gotton out of all the coverage is he felt like an outcast. People made fun of him, things never change but change so much over time. People will always make fun of others but look at how people are starting to react to it now! Killing people!
It was sensless and brutal and worst part planned. Just as a lot of things I read on here. People being proud of being locked up. It's one thing to be proud of your race and another to aspire to be nothing but the stereo typical person of your race. What ever happened to individuality?
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