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Do you think all Mexicans have the right to come live


Legendary Poster
if they feel like it? Or how about, do all Latin Americans in central and south America, do they all have the right to come live here if they feel like it?

What gives them that right? the fact that they are brown? poor? hispanic? Here?

Where wil we go after we turn the US into Atlzan? Where will our people flee to find a better life after the one we have in the US turns to shit? Canada, Europe, Japan Australia? What about after that?
if they feel like it? Or how about, do all Latin Americans in central and south America, do they all have the right to come live here if they feel like it?

What gives them that right? the fact that they are brown? poor? hispanic? Here?

Where wil we go after we turn the US into Atlzan? Where will our people flee to find a better life after the one we have in the US turns to shit? Canada, Europe, Japan Australia? What about after that?

You're getting played like a fiddle, Bud." Republicans are all about business, and I'm a self-employed business owner. That's why I used to vote Republican: They understood the small business guy.

Then I saw that they started to pander to racist groups and played the xenophobia Card at election time; we'll That just killed it for me.

I'm pro-life and for tax cuts and for a limited government in regards to government involvement in someone's personal life...you can't blame everything on immigrants, even if it is easier than blaming the government for wanting cheap labor.

Why are immigrants such a problem? this country was made from immigrants everyone of our ancestors with exception to the Native Americans and other Native Indians were all immigrants I don't think it should matter I do think there should be easier not a strenous immigration laws but laws just the same
We live in the western world, where progress and wealth are based on walls, and being able to maintain those walls. Sharing too much or too little does not agree with the economy, it is the Us's ability to use these nations that has kept them so powerful for so many years. Trade prices on natural resources are hugely unfair, and are meant to keep latin america down.
So, when asking me do they have the right to live in this country, my answer must be yes, because it is because of this country that the conditions in their country are so poor.
fuck you.
if they feel like it? Or how about, do all Latin Americans in central and south America, do they all have the right to come live here if they feel like it?

What gives them that right? the fact that they are brown? poor? hispanic? Here?

Where wil we go after we turn the US into Atlzan? Where will our people flee to find a better life after the one we have in the US turns to shit? Canada, Europe, Japan Australia? What about after that?

they come to find a better life...is that so wrong? they r takin tha jobs other ppl don't want so jus let them be...they r tryin to live a better life that's all....
if they feel like it? Or how about, do all Latin Americans in central and south America, do they all have the right to come live here if they feel like it?

What gives them that right? the fact that they are brown? poor? hispanic? Here?

Where wil we go after we turn the US into Atlzan? Where will our people flee to find a better life after the one we have in the US turns to shit? Canada, Europe, Japan Australia? What about after that?

The answer is: If they wish to do so, they can, it's human nature, the U.S is a country build on inmigrants.
i believe that migration is human nature it has happened since the beginning of time and it will continue happening...borders or no borders....
what i do not believe is that if the US opens its borders everybody from Latin America is going to come permanently live over here....i think its more like people will come over go back....and gringos will go over there to retire and so forth...it will even out...
immigrants have always been a big issue... as from what ive learned the issue on immigrants goes away for so many years then comes out again...and its like the talk of the town...

to answer the question... i believe everyone in search for a new beginning or better life has the right to move and re-establish themselves...

from the beginning the only people coming to "the New World" were the lower classes of Europe... many were promised some land and money so that they would get on a ship and come over here... many others were looking for something new trying to get away from their corrupt governments...

so do people have the right to come over here...ofcourse they do just our founding fathers did...
An unfortunate reality still exists--------this is indigenous land OCCUPIED by a bully gobierno. Soy nacida e criada en U.S.A y me da tanta pena vivir en esta epoca donde los humanos se comportan como viles robotes-ijole que pinche verguensa!
I am the daughter of generation United States military service people my dad and his dad before him pero in all honesty-i'm done with the patriotic bullchit-it stinks up my beautiful Earth and it's nauseating to see all the followers-zombies.
i think the people of "Aztlan" will find a Job for you :D

but en serio , there are many factors the cause immigrants to migrate [money] [ better life] .. your getting played like a fiddle Bud", Republicans are all about the business and me being self employed business owner that's why i used to vote republican becouse they understood the small business guy.

then i seen that they started to pander to racist groups and played the xenophobia Card on election time, we'll that just killed it for me.

I'm pro-life and for tax-cuts and for a limited government in regards to government involvement in someone personnel life...you cant blame everything on immigrants even if its easier then blaming the government for wanting cheep labor.


No, Iam putting the blame on the government too. Its too big and they are the ones who leave our borders open and the war happening. If the dog comes inside the house and eats the turkey is it the Dog's fault or the person who left the front door open, fault?

I am a republican but this doesn't mean I agree with the republicans who run the white house and who want to be our big brother.

From my understanding democrates are all about big government, higher taxes, and more government involvement in one's life in a mothery way.

But seriously though, if you let all of Mexico come live in the US the US will become a little bit more like Mexico.
But seriously though, if you let all of Mexico come live in the US the US will become a little bit more like Mexico.

its not going to happen , because of supply and demand.. your already seeing immigrants migrate to Canada because of more job opportunities.
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