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Flag Burning

please enlighten me on the nazi = USA posting. shock value is not that impressive when you don't know the origin of the swatz. and the stars and stripes.
mr T. what the hell ? u wanna burn the mexican flag..ok....mexico doesn't terrorist other countries, mexico isn't imperialistic..mexico isn't guilty in racism(Besides them crackas controled by the usa)...mexico is about culture and our people....and we are victims of da usa...reguardless of how many of our people come into the great meltin pot we call the AMERICA..
give me a reason nigga

DoeMemba, don't you think that the Mexican government oppresses it's own people? That a group of mostly White elite has been in power and oppressing the mixed and Indigenous people there for many generations? The US government is corrupt, but the countries that the US takes advantage of is allowed to by the other countries leaders. Mexico sells out it's own people. They allow US companies to go over there and have corporations/factories that don't pay enough for people to live on, and to poison the water the people have to drink. They signed on to the NAFTA treaty with the US which screws over farmers in Mexico. The US couldn't force the Mexico leaders to do that. Mexico has recently been confiscating farm land and tricking farmers into giving it up under false pretenses.

More prosperous countries in the world don't sell out their people and get into deals with the US, China or Russia that will enrich the leaders but destroy the people.

The elite ruling class hoard everything fo themselves insead of investing money for the good of all citizens and to create jobs. They instead expect and even encourage a good number of Mexican citizens to leave their homeland and come to the USA for jobs and depend on money they send back to Mexico from the US to help keep their country running. This money sent back from the US is right up there in importance to the economy of Mexico as oil and tourism. They don't care, actually seem to expect, that many of their citizens will risk their lives and maybe die crossing through the Arizona desert.

A few years ago I watched a speech Vincente Fox was giving when he was in the US. He was talking to Mexicans who were here, HAD to come here to get a job, many were probaby of illegal status. They waved Mexican flags and cheered him as a hero while depending on the US for their livlihood instead of their own beautiful country which is full of resources. Why? I would've spit in his face. If I ever got close enough to George Bush I would spit on him. I certainly wouldn't cheer him.
good post until you got into the spitting thing...no low wage jobs would be around if people would not accept them. This is an at will country.

What would you have done to Clinton if he was president still.
DoeMemba, don't you think that the Mexican government oppresses it's own people? That a group of mostly White elite has been in power and oppressing the mixed and Indigenous people there for many generations? The US government is corrupt, but the countries that the US takes advantage of is allowed to by the other countries leaders. Mexico sells out it's own people. They allow US companies to go over there and have corporations/factories that don't pay enough for people to live on, and to poison the water the people have to drink. They signed on to the NAFTA treaty with the US which screws over farmers in Mexico. The US couldn't force the Mexico leaders to do that. Mexico has recently been confiscating farm land and tricking farmers into giving it up under false pretenses.

More prosperous countries in the world don't sell out their people and get into deals with the US, China or Russia that will enrich the leaders but destroy the people.

The elite ruling class hoard everything fo themselves insead of investing money for the good of all citizens and to create jobs. They instead expect and even encourage a good number of Mexican citizens to leave their homeland and come to the USA for jobs and depend on money they send back to Mexico from the US to help keep their country running. This money sent back from the US is right up there in importance to the economy of Mexico as oil and tourism. They don't care, actually seem to expect, that many of their citizens will risk their lives and maybe die crossing through the Arizona desert.

A few years ago I watched a speech Vincente Fox was giving when he was in the US. He was talking to Mexicans who were here, HAD to come here to get a job, many were probaby of illegal status. They waved Mexican flags and cheered him as a hero while depending on the US for their livlihood instead of their own beautiful country which is full of resources. Why? I would've spit in his face. If I ever got close enough to George Bush I would spit on him. I certainly wouldn't cheer him.

good point.....the mexican gov' is fuckin corrupt and even tho our country is full of resources...we just come here for the money...sad but true....but i respect what you said...peace n love
good post until you got into the spitting thing...no low wage jobs would be around if people would not accept them. This is an at will country.

What would you have done to Clinton if he was president still.

As for the spitting thing, I have a bad temper and would probably get arrested. I didn't like Clinton either. He sold a lot of technology to China and he is the one who got that NAFTA thing started. George Bush has reached a whole new level though in selling out the United States. It's like he is purposely destroying it! And invading Iraq infuriated me!! Thomas Jefferson once said that the United States would need a revolution every 50 years to stay free from it's government. Well, we are way overdue. Mexico needs a revolution too. No one wants to die, though, so we sit around while our countries go to crap. I think we can either eventually choose to die heroes or slaves. The elite in both countries are pitting US citizens and Mexicans against each other for their own benefit while we struggle. They are the ones who need to pay. They need to all be removed from office/power. [violent] :mad:
good post until you got into the spitting thing...no low wage jobs would be around if people would not accept them. This is an at will country.

As far as the low wage thing goes, the government purposely enacts laws, like the H1B visas to bring over foreigners specifically to lower pay- even for middle income professionals. I personally know two men who worked for Chase Bank as computer techs who were "let go" and replaced by people from India. The US techs made about 40 thousand a year, the people from India who replaced them make 25 thousand. The government REFUSES to enforce our borders. How can it be that difficult for a country that can go to a country the size of California and take it over?! Real wages when comapred with living expenses/inflation hasn't gone up in this country since the early 1970s. To not protect and secure the borders is an act of treason as far as I'm concerned!

It is conceivable that they could bring people over from China who would be happy with a bowl of gruel and a pallet on the ground in exchange for a day of work, which would mean in order to "compete" US workers would need to do the same. Where does the "at will" thing end?
I agree that people from other countries will work for less. I see it in my industry. I agree on protecting the borders, but then you open up a whole new can of worms hence the protests and political positioning..one party to make the other look bad.

I think your views on what the govt can and cant do are correct, but the govt deals with "will or won't do" attitude.

pressure from voters. do you actually think the politicians will do half the things they promise... look for loop holes in every planned answer.

I work to place myself in a position of marketability. no one will pay my college bills. but then when I am in another tax bracket I am asked to contribute more to help social programs.

talk about not being fair.
I agree that people from other countries will work for less. I see it in my industry. I agree on protecting the borders, but then you open up a whole new can of worms hence the protests and political positioning..one party to make the other look bad.

I think your views on what the govt can and cant do are correct, but the govt deals with "will or won't do" attitude.

pressure from voters. do you actually think the politicians will do half the things they promise... look for loop holes in every planned answer.

I work to place myself in a position of marketability. no one will pay my college bills. but then when I am in another tax bracket I am asked to contribute more to help social programs.

talk about not being fair.

Well, you are right about politicians. When you get enough people to protest a certain thing or certain set of policies, it can be somewhat effective if they fear these are voters who will vote them out of office, so at least they will throw out some crums. They have lost all respect for the American people in the last couple of decades and aren't even throwing out the crums anymore.

I don't believe in high taxes at all. I don't mind taxes going to help the truly disabled or to help people for a brief time who have hit a rough spot and need a little help getting back on their feet, but not lifetime entitlements. If they're going to have financial aid scholarships for the poor, it should be for people who's families make less than 50 or 60 thousand a year and have a modest savings or some assets as well. In other words, the middle class, the backbone of the nation should be included, too, or it should go to no one. It was originally meant by our forefathers that only businesses and corporations be taxed. It was also specified that we shouldn't spend our treasure on foreign entanglements. The bloated government needs to be more accountable and held to more scrutiny. SO many of our tax dollars are wasted!
Well, you are right about politicians. When you get enough people to protest a certain thing or certain set of policies, it can be somewhat effective if they fear these are voters who will vote them out of office, so at least they will throw out some crums. They have lost all respect for the American people in the last couple of decades and aren't even throwing out the crums anymore.

This is true. Americans are the most pathetic citizens in the world. Low vote turnout and when elections are stolen (Bush), the gringos just sit there and accept it. In Mexico, they almost shutdown the D.F. In Bolivia, they burn tires and shutdown airports / roads. In Venezuela, well, we see what's going on. The people make themselves quite heard.
I don't believe in high taxes at all. I don't mind taxes going to help the truly disabled or to help people for a brief time who have hit a rough spot and need a little help getting back on their feet, but not lifetime entitlements. If they're going to have financial aid scholarships for the poor, it should be for people who's families make less than 50 or 60 thousand a year and have a modest savings or some assets as well. In other words, the middle class, the backbone of the nation should be included, too, or it should go to no one. It was originally meant by our forefathers that only businesses and corporations be taxed. It was also specified that we shouldn't spend our treasure on foreign entanglements. The bloated government needs to be more accountable and held to more scrutiny. SO many of our tax dollars are wasted!

As a non-white, I couldn't care less about a forefather. I am in favour of high taxes, but mainly for corporations. The current system taxes our money at every turn (on payday, when you buy something and when you die...money can never change hands freely). If the citizens are taxed a wee bit, I see no problem with that. The demigod bourgesiese (idk how to spell that, burgueses in spanish) class needs to be regulated or eliminated.

I agree that we should spend less money in foreign problems, but at this point, how can the gringos stop? If they pull out of Iraq, Colombia, Afgahnistan, South Korea and wherever else they are, won't the ill will possibly come back the haunt them? At least with people on the ground there, they can sense the discontent forming.
This is true. Americans are the most pathetic citizens in the world. Low vote turnout and when elections are stolen (Bush), the gringos just sit there and accept it. In Mexico, they almost shutdown the D.F. In Bolivia, they burn tires and shutdown airports / roads. In Venezuela, well, we see what's going on. The people make themselves quite heard.

send link to where Bush stole the election...the votes have been counted by independent groups and still the same outcome.

your points of protest show no difference in outcome. what would have been the difference if no one would have done those things..

Mexico protests ended in the same winner
Venezuela ended up with the same winner.

if coorporations get taxed higher then who do you think gets to pay more or get paid less ... open your eyes buddy

I hate having to pay into social security... I wish that would go away for people who are not vested

Here ese, Quietly Florida Admits 2000 Election Fraud Keep the likely democratic voters from voting anti-republican...in your family's (Jeb is Bush's relative) state...Lies of Bush <--another decent site to peep. There's so many of them that I can't be bothered with all of them lol

Mex, you're correct, but it lets them know they are going to catch hell if they make BS moves. Unlike here where people get angry and blog, ZoMG lol

Ven, errr, they weren't protesting the presidency...They are upset about some of Chavez's policies...and again, really making themselves heard. The opposition is actually in opposition...quite unlike chit here...

If you read my post, I said citizens should be taxed "a wee bit"...and it was proceeded by an "if"...so tax the companies more and the citizens a wee bit...me comprendes o te lo traduzco?

Social Security does kinda suck...we should get that extra money and save it / invest it on our own...or just blow it on drugs and die earlier...
sorry but the validity of the article I call into question. I know I asked for links...but any where and anything you want to find on the internet is just a click away. I think I found an article that bush is not even human but an alien..

citizens of low income are not even taxed...mid income some and rich most..

look i want to get to the upper mids and I have to look forward to paying more taxes.. who is going to help me with all the student loans and money I spent getting my degree...or sitting in on my exams..

I think people I help out should pay my loans off, then education would not seem like such a punishment.

I agree on the social security jazz.. I hate it have a bad experience with the way it has treated my mother.
As far as taxes go... Of course the rich should pay more, but we should not unfairly tax them- why penalize them for being successful?
What we as citizens should demand is smarter/wiser use of our money. We don't need more tax dollars- we need to hold the government (local and federal) accountable for their spending of OUR money.
I agree 100% good post

any takers on paying my school loans.. I would really really appreciate the gesture.

Did you receive any scholarships? There's a lot of stuff out there, but it's crazy that it's been made so difficult for middle class people (especially Whites) to find whatever's out there. I got more private scholarships than Federal ones. I got about half paid for because of my Native American heritage. I got some benefit from having a 4.2 GPA (because I took a lot of Advanced Placement classes) and from taking part in many school activities and doing a lot of community service. I also got scholarships on my "White side" through belonging to Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Republic of Texas and Daughters of the Conferderacy. I also worked part time at the City Library from the time I was a Junior in High School through the four years of getting my BS and they paid a little bit on my tuition. Still I have debt as I continue with this Masters, but it's not a horrible amount like some have to deal with.


I know. Sorry. Anyway, what is your philosophy regarding taxes? How do you feel about a flat tax? It seems that we all agree that our taxes are totally mismanaged and our government is bloated. Every day it seems there are more government programs, more regulations. It was never meant that our government be like this. People left Europe to get away from oppressive government and we are getting back to the same kind of thing.
I'm surprised by the immaturity I have witnessed on this thread. With regards to the question at hand, whilst I do agree that burning the flag is a needlessly hateful and ineffective way to show opposition to U.S. policies I would also say that it is a right protected by the first amendment.
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