Segregation of any kind is stupid. Have we not already learned that lesson? Civil rights movment anyone? Now you have affirmative action, ESL in schools, land grants to Indains, Blacks want reporations, black gangs, white gangs, mexican gangs, asian gangs, gay gangs, biker gangs. America the melting pot? Not the way it's going now. I see everything that I listed above as SEGREGATION. The goverment is doing it and even worse we are doing it to ourselves. How would you feel going to school and there is a white kid wearing a shirt that said WHITE PRIDE? I know I wouldn't like it. But it's okay for other races to say brown, black, gay and asian pride. When confronted, we hide behind the blanket statement of "respecting and honoring our culture and beliefs"
I'm proud to be alive and accepting of all people. It's segregation that will be this countries downfall. The nazi's sererated the Jews. Isn't Israel in a daily fight to stay alive? Look at the middle east, they are all the same color even, sunis and sheas trying to kill each other. We keep up choice we've made to segregate ourselves, we're not far behind them when you stop and think about it. I want to wear something cause I like it, not cause it's what my people do. Who cares who started it. Who cares who else is wearing it, what does it matter who invented it?
Funny thing is I've been told if I want to dress like a mexican my Mom said she'd take me to Mexico and buy me cloths in Mexico. There not the same as what we wear here. We dress like Mexican Americans here. Which we are not. We are Americans of mexican decent