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'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community

I Think what you fail to understand with your brain is regardless of race, higher crime occurs in low income communities. so before you try to belittle someone or talk.. you should do some research.

you shouldn't let your personal prejudices interfere with reality. / what kind of life is that anyways?

Not Necessarily. You need to seriosuly do some research instead of being so bigoted and ignorant to believe that all poor communities are all more violent.

Appalachia in West Virginia is one of the Poorest parts in the whole United States yet they are one of the safest places to live in. You probably never heard about them huh?

The District of Columbia on the other hand is one of the wealthiest parts in the US yet its also one of the most dangerous.....

Whats the difference between this two places? The Difference is White and Black. Literally lol.

There are also many poor spots in Latin America that are very poor yet you have little crime.
'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community

examiner.com ? Many Chicagoans have been upset for some time about violence here, but Wortham's murder has touched a raw nerve in the black community. Now some want to do more than simply call 911 or march for peace in the streets. They want their own gun.
Sounds okay to me, there's always far more good people in a neighborhood than bad. Why shouldn't they be able to protect themselves?
Some are always complaining that those who live in bad neighborhoods should take more of an initiative to make it better, step up.
Not Necessarily. You need to seriosuly do some research instead of being so bigoted and ignorant to believe that all poor communities are all more violent.

Appalachia in West Virginia is one of the Poorest parts in the whole United States yet they are one of the safest places to live in. You probably never heard about them huh?

The District of Columbia on the other hand is one of the wealthiest parts in the US yet its also one of the most dangerous.....

Whats the difference between this two places? The Difference is White and Black. Literally lol.

There are also many poor spots in Latin America that are very poor yet you have little crime.

Owned.....I suspect his reply will never come
Negros shouldn't be allowed to own guns. They should be the last 'people' to own guns.

The ones that can behave civilized on their own.


"Tracy L Melvin

Seattle, Washington

died August 6, 2006

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
31 Army SSG Army's 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Division

Baumholder, Germany

Killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq."

you claim to have served. was he civilized enough?

he carried a gun in defense of america. he died defending this country. you mean as former military you don't find that a civilized path?

here's more:


Staff Sgt. Richard J. Jordan

Hometown:Tyler, Texas, U.S.

Age:29 years old

Died:March 16, 2010 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit:Army, 1st Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas.

Incident: Died in Mosul, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a vehicle roll-over.

he carried a gun in defense of america. he died defending this country. you mean as former military you don't find that a civilized path?


Since you believe Iraq was a threat to America you must believe that Iraq most've had weapons of Mass Destruction?

People who join the Military understand that the Job they do can potentially cost them their life. I understood it a lot better when I experience getting bombed by mortars at least once a week for 6 months.

"Tracy L Melvin

Seattle, Washington

died August 6, 2006

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
31 Army SSG Army's 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Division

Baumholder, Germany

Killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq."

you claim to have served. was he civilized enough?


he carried a gun in defense of america. he died defending this country. you mean as former military you don't find that a civilized path?

here's more:


Staff Sgt. Richard J. Jordan

Hometown:Tyler, Texas, U.S.

Age:29 years old

Died:March 16, 2010 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit:Army, 1st Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas.

Incident: Died in Mosul, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a vehicle roll-over.


Since you believe Iraq was a threat to America you must believe that Iraq most've had weapons of Mass Destruction?

People who join the Military understand that the Job they do can potentially cost them their life. I understood it a lot better when I experience getting bombed by mortars at least once a week for 6 months.

i support the troops even when i don't support the mission. i am a proud american and know that troops have no choice. they do their duty. i support the troops. period. if you had ever even come close to serving you would be for the troops too. stop lying about service you have never given to this great country.

now stop running from the question and ducking and dodging


Sgt. Aaron M. Arthur

Hometown:Lake City, South Carolina, U.S.

Age:25 years old

Died:March 8, 2010 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit:Army, 203rd Brigade Support Battalion, attached to the 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga.

Incident: Died north of Al Kut, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a vehicle roll-over.


again "you claim to have served. was he civilized enough?" is doing one's duty in this way civilized. were they civilized enough?

stop running from me and the real truth to be told here

answer now or be a coward!
Not Necessarily. You need to seriosuly do some research instead of being so bigoted and ignorant to believe that all poor communities are all more violent.

Appalachia in West Virginia is one of the Poorest parts in the whole United States yet they are one of the safest places to live in. You probably never heard about them huh?

The District of Columbia on the other hand is one of the wealthiest parts in the US yet its also one of the most dangerous.....

Whats the difference between this two places? The Difference is White and Black. Literally lol.

There are also many poor spots in Latin America that are very poor yet you have little crime.

as far as the difference between the two - try urban - rural. show mw one rural area with a crime rate anywhere near those of urban centers in any country no matter the race. (lol) b waitin...

who commits most of the gun crimes in the appalacia?


b waitin...

thanks for the ignorance son...
as far as the difference between the two - try urban - rural. show mw one rural area with a crime rate anywhere near those of urban centers in any country no matter the race. (lol) b waitin...

who commits most of the gun crimes in the appalacia?


b waitin...

thanks for the ignorance son...

ahh so you do know about West Virginia and their almost none existent crime rate...

We can try Darfur. IThere's been a Genocide going on for like the last 10 years and most of it is Very Rural LOL. Im sure even you know about that.

In fact there is plenty of Rapes and Murders going in many rural places in Apefrica. The other day i was watching a program about two African tribes who live in rural villages killing each other over some stupid witchcraft bullshit. Happens in Aborignal villages in rural parts of Australia.

i support the troops even when i don't support the mission. i am a proud american and know that troops have no choice. they do their duty. i support the troops. period. if you had ever even come close to serving you would be for the troops too. stop lying about service you have never given to this great country.

now stop running from the question and ducking and dodging

LOL I dont have to prove anything to you and I'm not.

This discussion was about what does being civilize have to do with serving in Iraq. But if you want to dodge the question by acting stupid and bringing up patriotism then whatever.

Killing Iraqs does not serve this country. If you want to believe that then thats on you.

Voting for someone like Ron Pail would be supporting the troops. Ron Paul got the most votes from troops because they knew he wasn't in favor of illegal wars that only serve our weapons industrial complex and Israel who are enemies with the middle east.
Killing Iraqs does not serve this country. If you want to believe that then thats on you.

Voting for someone like Ron Pail would be supporting the troops. Ron Paul got the most votes from troops because they knew he wasn't in favor of illegal wars that only serve our weapons industrial complex and Israel who are enemies with the middle east.
Whoa! this coming from Budguy,an ex marine?
Lmaaoo...the guy had it right after he started giving whites more rights over gun ownership. WTFFFFFF

most of the guns being fired by the black commmunity is mostly by teenage kids who couldnt hold a pistol right or have any responsibility...everybody knows that white men purchase all their guns legally and take them overseas under the 2nd amendment rule
Last edited:
ahh so you do know about West Virginia and their almost none existent crime rate...

We can try Darfur. IThere's been a Genocide going on for like the last 10 years and most of it is Very Rural LOL. Im sure even you know about that.

In fact there is plenty of Rapes and Murders going in many rural places in Apefrica. The other day i was watching a program about two African tribes who live in rural villages killing each other over some stupid witchcraft bullshit. Happens in Aborignal villages in rural parts of Australia.


You know that picture is of refugees from the killing in a refugee camp right?

Wow. How is it you guys even have so much time to spend on this site? With those brains you must be rocket scientists. Darfur? Sure black Africans are being shot. But by whom? The Arab minority. LOL!!!!!! You seem to have a real problem with blacks. I'm sorry, but the worst cases of genocide and mass killings have been done at the barrel of a gun by many races. Latin America has it's share (try googling Augusto Pinoche), Asia has it's share (try googling the Khamer Rouge) and Europe most certainly has it's share (try googling the conflict in the Balkans or if you are that uneducated try Adolf Hitler and the Nazis).

To disrespect American soldiers who died defending their country in such a way shows not only have you never served, but that you are a no patriot at all. Love it or leave it.

LOL I dont have to prove anything to you and I'm not.

This discussion was about what does being civilize have to do with serving in Iraq. But if you want to dodge the question by acting stupid and bringing up patriotism then whatever.

Killing Iraqs does not serve this country. If you want to believe that then thats on you.

Voting for someone like Ron Pail would be supporting the troops. Ron Paul got the most votes from troops because they knew he wasn't in favor of illegal wars that only serve our weapons industrial complex and Israel who are enemies with the middle east.

He was not talking about Iraqis he was responding to your assertion that because of race alone blacks should not be allowed to carry guns/weapons. So he put up pictures of people who held guns responsibly and civilly in defense of their country as troops. US troops don't have the luxury of saying "you know this is an unjust war so I will skip this one." If you truly had ever served in the Corps you would know that and not behave in such a childish manner. You still have not answered his question. Are they civil?

You brought up the actions of those who mad the decision to go to war and who mislead us with false information to get us into this war. Well since we're there and you are afraid to answer his question regarding blacks being civilized enough or not to carry weapons were the actions of the people who lied bear the traits of civilized people? We are talking Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Powell.

Powell admitted it was bogus already. He and Rice are black, but the rest? SO does that mean whites are to be banned too?

Seems the easily deconstructed simpleton arguments of race based policy really are easy to squash. You have beaten yourself Bud Guy.
i support the troops even when i don't support the mission. i am a proud american and know that troops have no choice. they do their duty. i support the troops. period. if you had ever even come close to serving you would be for the troops too. stop lying about service you have never given to this great country.

now stop running from the question and ducking and dodging


Sgt. Aaron M. Arthur

Hometown:Lake City, South Carolina, U.S.

Age:25 years old

Died:March 8, 2010 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Unit:Army, 203rd Brigade Support Battalion, attached to the 1st Battalion, 10th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga.

Incident: Died north of Al Kut, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a vehicle roll-over.


again "you claim to have served. was he civilized enough?" is doing one's duty in this way civilized. were they civilized enough?

stop running from me and the real truth to be told here

answer now or be a coward!

Keep up the good work Grape Ape.
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