why does a lil humor rooted in truth bug you? lighten up a lil.
Oh so thats what you call it..
humor rooted in truth=Stereotypical..
HOld on let me go get my 15 kids out of my lil pinto while my lazy husband beats me and drags me into the house to make him some tacos...for him and his gangbanger friends...
Why dont we all just go back Mexico while were at it...
If bigger hoops make us more Chicanas..then we might as well be Black...If thats the case..
This or ..ma time of the month is gettin close..
according to my horoscope..
I may be moody now that the Moon is in my sign and my erratic feelings could make me uneasy, tempting me to overcompensate by acting cool. Others may think that they can see throughmy veneer of detachment, but my emotions are elusive enough that I can keep everyone guessing.
so who knows really?..
I do need to lighten up just a lil...thanks for the reminder..